Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Showcasing Jocelyn's Choice

My three year publishing anniversary is approaching! Come celebrate with me! Pick up my New Adult Novel Jocelyn’s Choice for just .99 cents!

A New Adult Romance

Jocelyn Andrews, a shy, awkward, high school senior, has never even been on a date until she meets Alex Jordon, the older, more experienced brother of her best friend Evan. Jocelyn falls hard for the charming player and wants to explore all of the “firsts” that go along with new love. Alex has no problem showing her what she’s been missing.

Alex is captivated by young, innocent Jocelyn and to his own surprise, only has eyes for her.  One night of careless passion leads to a life-altering dilemma. Alex must head back to Yale to finish an internship, having no idea what he’s left behind. Jocelyn must decide what to do on her own, forcing her to grow up much faster than she anticipated.

Reality sets in, decisions are made and Jocelyn has to live with her choices. Alex returns home to more than he ever bargained for. Young love has never been more complicated as they deal with a teen pregnancy, social barriers, and concerned family members. Life sometimes throws a curve ball, but the unexpected isn’t always bad.

I sat on the floor in the tiny bathroom and debated whether I should reach up to the counter and check the stick I had just peed on. It had been over five minutes, more than enough time to get the results I dreaded. I’d thrown up twice since starting the test, but I had gotten used to that. I had been throwing up for over two weeks now. At first, I thought it was just the stress I felt over him leaving. It wasn’t until after he went back to Yale that I realized I was more than three weeks late.

Three weeks and two days, to be exact. I didn’t have to look at that test to know what it was going to tell me, because I already knew. My stomach did another flip just thinking about it. The July heat wasn’t helping, either. I hovered over the toilet, pulled my long hair out of the way, and emptied whatever was left in my system, which wasn’t much. I stood from the floor and rinsed out my mouth, my gaze veering over toward the pregnancy test. My hands trembled as I slowly picked it up. I forced myself to look. I needed the confirmation.

Two pink lines . . . no shock there. I even knew exactly when it happened. The day of the week, and where we were. But, how did I let this happen? I knew the answer to that too.

Available now for just .99 cents!

Hurry price goes back to $5.50 at the end of May!


I’m giving away one $5 Starbucks Gift Card and one Signed Swag pack with some surprise goodies. 

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Book Spotlight for Branded

Branded by Abi Ketner & Missy Kalicicki
A Sinners Series

Fifty years ago the Commander came into power and murdered all who opposed him. In his warped mind, the seven deadly sins were the downfall of society. He created the Hole where sinners are branded according to their sins and might survive a few years. At best. 
Now LUST wraps around my neck like blue fingers strangling me. I’ve been accused of a crime I didn’t commit and now the Hole is my new home. 

Darkness. Death. Violence. Pain. 

Now every day is a fight for survival. But I won’t die. I won’t let them win.

The Hole can’t keep me. The Hole can’t break me. 
I am more than my brand. I’m a fighter. 
My name is Lexi Hamilton, and this is my story.


I turn on the faucet for a long while only to discover ice-cold water rushing out. The water never warms and I begin to understand. The Commander thinks he can wash away my soul by freezing me to death. He thinks he can destroy me by stripping away my possessions. But he can’t and I won’t let him take my memories, my ambition, and my pride.
He thinks I’m so easily broken.
The Commander doesn’t know anything about me, what I grew up with, what I endured—the father I lost, the mother I hate, the brother who walked out of my life, and the stepfather I was forced to accept. He thinks since I was rich, making me poor will cause me to give up. What he doesn’t understand is that, after my father passed away, I grew up behind walls of hatred. I had nothing, but had everything at the same time. I owned expensive clothes, enjoyed good schooling, and lived in a nice home. But my body was just a shell protecting an empty, desperate heart. My life was a colorful façade.
I had so much time to sit and think. I spent the majority of my life between four walls. I was abandoned, neglected, starved, betrayed, and abused. I’ve already been treated like the scum of the earth, so the Hole is nothing new. He wants to erase every sign of my existence on this earth, but I won’t let that happen. He can strip me naked, but he’ll never reach my soul.
It’s personal, completely personal.


About Abi and Missy 

Abi and Missy met in the summer of 1999 at college orientation and have been best friends ever since. After college, they added jobs, husbands and kids to their lives, but they still found time for their friendship. Instead of hanging out on weekends, they went to dinner once a month and reviewed books. What started out as an enjoyable hobby has now become an incredible adventure.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Chased Dreams

Lacey and Chase have created a story that is timeless and heartwarming. They truly know how to create a story about love and loss, while doing the series justice and ending it brilliantly! 
–Lisa Markson, The Paranormal Bookworm

Chased Dreams 
Lacey Weatherford & Chase Walden

Book Three  - Chasing Nikki Series

Dreams of the future, dreams of love and happiness, dreams of being able to move on and get past the heartache that still resides in his soul, Chase Walker believes things are finally starting to look up.
But are they really?

When Chase suffers a devastating injury on the football field, his life is thrown into a tailspin once again. Feeling like he’s lost his identity, he struggles with keeping his relationship with Brittney from falling apart, while also trying to find out who he really is inside. 

But when dreams from the past resurface, causing old feelings to rise anew and clash with the life he’s living now, Chase is left to wonder if all he has is Chased Dreams.

Purchase Chased Dreams for $2.99

About Lacey Weatherford 

Lacey Weatherford is the bestselling author of the popular young adult paranormal romance series, Of Witches and Warlocks, and contemporary series, Chasing Nikki and Crush, and Tell Me Why.
Lacey resides in the beautiful White Mountains of Arizona. She lives with her wonderful husband and children along with their dog, Talley, and cat, Minx. When she’s not out supporting one of her kids at their sporting/music events, she spends her time reading, writing, and visiting with her readers on her social media accounts.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Spotlight for Savage Possession

"Wow! Just WOW! Savage Possession had me on the edge of my seat from beginning to end.
This jaw-dropping, eye-popping latest installment in the Mystic Wolves series is simply epic."
~ Raquel Auriemma, Roc n' Read

Savage Possession - Belinda Boring
Book 5 of The Mystic Wolves series

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Growing up, Darcy knew that life would be filled with challenges and tough decisions, but none so difficult as the one that would alter her future forever. Given the choice between losing Mason or becoming a vampire, Darcy risks the overwhelming threat of insanity, and places her destiny, her hopes and dreams, in the hands of Devlin. When she survives the conversion and shows how truly strong she is, everyone thinks that the worst is behind them. It’s time to get back to normal - or their new normal - and live happily ever after.
But danger still lurks within the shadows - both in Woodside Hollow, the supernatural community, and within Darcy. Even though she looks fine, she seems “altered” to those closest to her, something beyond the expected consequences of her dual nature. With reports of dark rituals and blood sacrifices being performed, the Council has their hands filled trying to solve that mystery, leaving Mason scrambling to find out what’s wrong with his mate.
Will the imbalance warring within Darcy eventually settle, or will her decision to become part vampire-part werewolf lead to a SAVAGE POSSESSION?

“Epic. Belinda Boring knows how to suck you right into her world.
Savage Possession was just as the title said it would be.
Spectacular to the very last word!!”
~ Carrie Fort, Indy Book Fairy Blog

SavageP Teaser 2

Purchase for only $2.99

Early Praise:
"Savage Possession was totally unexpected. The twists and turns had me on my toes not wanting to put it down. Some parts showed another darker and sinister side to the mind of Belinda Boring. I highly recommend this installment of The Mystic Wolves!!"
~ Lisa Markson, I Pimp My Authors.

  Holy shizzzzz! This plot is so twisted; I did not see that coming!!! Fans of The Mystic Wolves are really going to love this one. Trust me . . . you will be begging for more!”
~ Cindy Mucha Barton, Amazon Reader

   “I love Belinda's books and this one is no different. This book will keep you on your toes from the get go. You will not be able to put it down.”
~ Amy Chris, Weet Weet’s Bookshelf

“I couldn't put it down. It shows what people will endure for true love.”
~ Samantha Blackwelder, Amazon Reader

"Savage Possession has all the swoon-worthy, weak-in-the-knees moments that we've come to expect from Belinda Boring, but it is also loaded with shocking plot twists and turns that will take your breath away.”
~ Christina Silcox, Literary Redemption

  "OMG! I don't even know where to begin.
Belinda's books are amazing, but she outdid herself this time!”
~ Jeanine Palinkas, Amazon Reader.

"Absolutely blew my mind!"
~ Ashley Blackwell

"Spine tingling, suspense filled, brilliant, full of surprises!"
~ Michael Auriemma

"Belinda Boring is a true writing genius! I was on the edge of my seat from start to finish."
~ Julia Wood

About the author
belindaA homesick Aussie living amongst the cactus and mountains of Arizona, Belinda Boring is a self proclaimed addict of romance and all things swoon worthy. When she's not devouring her latest read, you can find her celebrating her passion for books on her blog The Bookish Snob.
With all that excitement, it wasn’t long before she began writing, pouring her imagination and creativity into the stories she dreams. Whether urban fantasy, paranormal romance or romance in general, Belinda strives to share great plots with heart and characters that you can’t help but connect with. Of course, she wouldn’t be Belinda without adding heroes she hopes will curl your toes. Surrounded by a supportive cast of family, friends and the man she gives her heart and soul to, Belinda is living the good life.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

The Luthier's Apprentice by Mayra Calvani

    $3.99 (2)

The Luthier's Apprentice by Mayra Calvani
Niccolò Paganini (1782-1840), one of the greatest violinists who ever lived and rumored to have made a pact with the devil, has somehow transferred unique powers to another…
When violinists around the world mysteriously vanish, 16-year-old Emma Braun takes notice. But when her beloved violin teacher disappears… Emma takes charge. With Sherlock Holmes fanatic, not to mention gorgeous Corey Fletcher, Emma discovers a parallel world ruled by an ex-violinist turned evil sorceress who wants to rule the music world on her own terms.

But why are only men violinists captured and not women? What is the connection between Emma's family, the sorceress, and the infamous Niccolò Paganini?

Emma must unravel the mystery in order to save her teacher from the fatal destiny that awaits him. And undo the curse that torments her family—before evil wins and she becomes the next luthier's apprentice…


Purchase for $3.99:
Amazon BarnesNoble

About The Author

Mayra Calvani writes fiction and nonfiction for children and adults and has authored over a dozen books, some of which have won awards. Her stories, reviews, interviews and articles have appeared on numerous publications such as The Writer, Writer’s Journal, Multicultural Review, and Bloomsbury Review, among many others. When she’s not writing, reading, editing or reviewing, she enjoys walking her dog, traveling, and spending time with her family. Represented by Serendipity Literary.  

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Author Spotlight for Jessica Gibson

First and foremost, I'm a wife to an amazing man, and mother to a 2 year old little boy. I love to read when I can find the time, my Kindle is my best friend. I've read tons and tons of books. One of my favorite authors is Diana Gabaldon, her Outlander series is absolutely amazing. I also really enjoy Charlaine Harris' True Blood series. I'll read anything supernatural, I've blown through most of the good YA series' that are out there. I think my love of reading really helped me branch out into writing.

v  The Harder I Fall
v  Dressed in White
v  The Deeper We Get (COMING SOON)
v  The Boston Witches series
v  The Blood Ties series
v  Haunted U

v  Marked

Guest Post by A.A. Pencil

Book Synopsis: 

"I am Melissa Andrews, a prisoner in this forlorn excuse for a psychiatric treatment center."

Melissa Andrews is scheduled for execution by lethal injection but wakes up in a secluded mental asylum with its own dark secrets.

When her questions are unanswered, she has no choice but to form alliances and infiltrate her captors' barriers. Little does she know that she is at the center of one of the asylum's major plots.

What will she uncover about the institution and herself and will she find a way to escape before it's too late?

Buy Links:

Don’t forget to Write: Why everyone should pick up a pen and paper

If you gather up a hundred writers and ask them why they write, you’ll get an abundance of contrasting answers. For some, writing is their life. It’s their career or as some say, their ‘bread and butter’. Some people write because it’s simply something that they like to do. Perhaps they see it as something fun in which they’re good at or maybe it helps pass time. I fall into two categories. I write because it distracts me from the challenges of Lupus. Writing allows me to be creative and because sometimes Lupus leaves me out of control in my life or helpless at times, it’s great to create characters and be in charge of their backgrounds, goals and future. I also write because characters tend to pop up in my mind and I need to get them out! Overtime, it’s like they marinate in my brain and I begin to feel anxious that eventually they’ll overcook and burn! What does mean? For me, sometimes I feel as though I sit on a character or scene for so long that eventually someone else ‘gets’ the idea and we see it in another book or on the big screen. I think this is one of the problems of being an author—that nervousness or anxiety of holding onto ideas for too long and the disappointment that comes when ‘your ideas’ trend without you. (For example: Writing about vampire love triangles….then Twilight and Vampire Diaries make their debut! Back to the drawing board, Baby!)
You don’t have to be an author to write. Writing gives us an opportunity to express ourselves. Some of us can use beautiful metaphors when describing nature and love, others can put together creative pieces of sarcasm and wit to create the perfect comedy, and then there are those (like me) whose words, when put together, create morose or gory scenes. (Edgar Alan Poe fan here!)
Did you know that research has shown that writing and reading could possibly help slow down the effects of dementia? According to a study published in the scholarly journal, Neurology, participants who regularly read and write show evidence of a slower progression of dementia than those who didn’t. Apparently, writing and reading stimulate the mind. Just as how we place colorful and creative toys in front of children to get their minds going, books and writing inspire and vitalize our minds.
Whatever you write, don’t force it. Don’t try to write in a specific genre. You’ll be limiting your ideas and talent. Just let it flow. So, what should you write? Anything! You can start of small by simply brainstorming ideas. No one’s saying to write a book. In this world of technology, why not do something different and write a note or letter of encouragement for a friend, family member or even co-worker? A simple note, even on a yellow sticky pad, can lift someone’s spirits. How about not skipping that blank birthday card in your local store (Guilty! I cringe when I see them!)and instead think of an actual birthday message to write? Why not set up your own blog or search the internet for sites that have open submissions for articles or poems.  How about simply commenting on a post that you’ve read or leaving reviews on books you’ve read? Did it inspire you or invoke any strong feelings? Pick up that pen or pencil or open a blank page of your favorite Word Processor and have fun. Whether you write to inspire or entertain, inform or persuade, or simply write for yourself in a diary or journal, writing is an important part of life. Why else would it be one of the first skills taught growing up? J

Author Bio: 

A. A. Pencil works part time as a school nurse at an all-boys Catholic school in New York City. As a Lupus survivor, she uses writing as a significant part of her therapy and you will see influences from classical writers such as Agatha Christie and Edgar Alan Poe in her work.  When not working or writing, she enjoys cooking, shopping and walking. She has sponsored a child in Mexico for over three years with a children's organization. She currently lives in a borough of New York City with her extended family who are her greatest supporters.

Official website -

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Cover Reveal for Little Red by Trista Jaszczak

Little Red
(Believe Series, Bk #1)
By Trista Jaszczak

Samantha Wentworth has one mission in life; to get as far away as she possibly can from her troubled past. 

When she finds herself on the Louisiana bayou she runs straight into the arms of a very sexy Big Bad Wolf that she just can’t seem to resist. 

Will Samantha continue on her journey, or does the full moon have other plans in store for her?

Release Date:
June 13, 2014


I stand up slowly and begin to fight what I’m about to do. I beg myself to sit down, look away, anything, but instead I trail up to her. She doesn’t flinch, doesn’t shudder; strangely, her eyes stay locked onto mine. I take the extra towel from her and draw her body to mine. I hear her left out a small gasp, and I can tell her heart rate has quickened. I bring a hand to her face, letting it trail from her cheek to her neck, all the way to the back of her head. I pull her in for a kiss. A proper one. That feeling I felt before returns as something inside me nearly loses control. My legs begin to feel weak as I realize that she’s kissing me back. It’s as soon as my tongue flickers over hers that I really feel I may lose it. I pull away for a moment and close my eyes.

“This is how it’s supposed to be,” I mumble to her. I work to keep myself under control, I remind myself to keep a slower pace, not to rush. I catch a sudden wave of Red’s feelings…the want and need is there, and it makes it more difficult to control myself. I try to relax, remind myself to pace myself but when Red pushes her body into mine,

I fully lose any control that I had. Her arms fly around my neck and I do nothing to stop her. Her lips find mine as her hands reach for my belt buckle. She wastes no time in unbuckling and unzipping my jeans. I reach for the last towel and yank it from her body as she pulls my tee shirt off and throws it across the room. She wraps her arms around me again and lets her lips find mine as I wrap my arms around her, lifting her in one swift movement. Her legs immediately cinch around my waist and I steady myself quickly as I push her against the nearest wall.

She moans loudly and I feel her nails dig into my back briefly. I begin biting tenderly down her neck in a way that leaves tiny little marks but enough to make her groan with pleasure. I feel all self-control leave my body as I steady her against the wall and begin using my strength to lift her upwards as I move my mouth down her body. I feel her hands tug at my hair as I clamp my teeth down on one of her nipples.

She releases another moan and I feel her breathing become choppy as I work my way down her core; kissing, biting, licking, and unable to control myself. I finally find myself in a squat position, I quickly adjust Red’s over my shoulders and I feel her shake. Everything in me wants to have her, every single piece of her right this minute. I need her. Not to just satisfy the raw animal craving that his built up inside me, but because I need every piece of the one thing that I ever wanted and needed so badly.

I slow my kisses past her belly button and move to her inner thighs. I look up at her and her eyes catch my gaze. She’s breathing heavily, her legs begin to tremble more as I steady her against the wall as I drop to my knees to maintain my own balance. When my mouth finally latches to her, letting my tongue do the work for me, she releases a noise filled with such intense pleasure that there’s no going back. I need her even more now.

About The Author

Trista Jaszczak is the bestselling author of Loverboy and the highly anticipated release Little Red, coming June 13th.

She is an Air Force spouse and mother to two mischievous and rambunctious little girls. She is creative by nature and not only writes, but is a photographer who braves the cold to chase the northern lights. She also plays guitar and sings, two things that have become a favorite past time of hers when she’s not behind the glowing screen of her computer. And, though she considers it just a hobby, loves to sketch and paint. 

She is originally from Hamilton, Ohio but calls home where ever the Air Force sends her. She currently resided in Anchorage, Alaska where she finds endless inspiration in the pure Alaskan wilderness. Though the rain can seem endless in the fall, and the constant daylight is a burden in the summers, she considers it a privilege to live there.  

When Trista isn’t writing, she loves to spend her time with her family in the vast Alaskan outdoors, plucking away at her old guitar, working out in the gym, or baby her two over-grown Labrador puppies. She loves the great outdoors, the moon, old movies,  and music. She loves being creative, practicing her photography, and wildlife. If you need to get in touch with her, since her life is 10 ways of crazy right now, you can always.

You can find Trista at 


 Presented By

Monday, May 12, 2014

Cover Reveal for Legacies

Legacies by K.T. Smith & Mercy Amare
Cover Design by Ikelia Francis.
Genre: New Adult Contemporary Romance
Release Date: June 10, 2014

We're legacies, we're roommates, and we are both destined to be on Greek row. We’ve dreamed of this our whole life.

The hottest guys, the wildest parties, and the strong bonds of sisterhood. It all seems… perfect. But is this really where we belong?

To top it off, we are both joining rival houses. How can we room with the enemy? How are we going to survive freshman year?

Sorority life might not be as perfect as it seems.

About The Authors

 K.T. Smith grew up in the suburbs of Atlanta, Georgia. She's a 20 year old currently at the University of Georgia working on her degree in Psychology. Her addictions include reading books (of course), Reeses, coffee, and Netflix.

Mercy Amare lives in St. Louis with her husband of three-years. She has a slight addiction to NOS, and her guilty pleasure is Pretty Little Liars, The Vampire Diaries, & The Lying Game.