Friday, June 27, 2014

Spotlight for Understudy

Author: Cheyanne Young
Publisher: 336 Love
Release Date: February 14, 2014
Genres: Young adult, contemporary romance

The high school play is in two months and senior Wren Barlow just became director. Wren still isn't over the fact that she got stiffed as a stagehand instead of the lead role that she totally deserved. Now she is in charge of rehearsals, costumes, navigating around cast member hookups and managing the real life drama at home.

The principal counts on her to succeed because tickets have been sold and the money has been spent. But when he drops a gorgeous bad boy on her and wants him to help the play for extra credit, she falls hard for someone she knows she can't date. With everything spinning out of control, the mysterious and secretive detention king named Derek has a few tricks up his sleeve and wants to help—too bad Wren is scared to give him a chance to prove himself.

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Greg takes my necklace in his hands and shifts the clasp until it’s at the back of my neck. Goosebumps trail down my arms. Not because I like him—because I don’t—but because he’s a guy and he’s touching my neck. Greg is cute, but in a way that makes you want to punch him. He’s insanely book smart but in an effort to hide it, he’s a smartass. He will say the meanest shit at the worst possible time, and it’ll make you feel like you’re a loser and yet that somehow makes you want to try harder to impress him. He loves to make girls cry.
Last month I accidently made out with him at Margot’s beach party.
That’s probably why he’s being so nice.
“I found a place behind that curtain that makes a really great spot to sit,” he says, staring me right in the eyes because he’s also kind of short for a guy. “Want to go sit?”
I know he wants to make out, and it’s probably the only thing that will take my mind off Derek and how stupid I feel for wasting an entire weekend daydreaming about him.
I glance around and find Aunt Barlow at the front of the stage, engrossed in her two lead actors. She won’t miss me if I sneak away for a while.
“Yeah,” I say. I know this is stupid and a bad decision. I know it’s the sort of thing that parents tell their little girls about when they have the boys only want one thing talk with them. Greg is a skeeze and I’m not even sure why I say the next few words, but I do. “Let’s go sit.”

 About the author:

Cheyanne is a native Texan with a fear of cold weather and a coffee addiction that probably needs an intervention. She loves books, sarcasm, nail polish and paid holidays. She lives near the beach with her family, one spoiled rotten puppy and a cat who is most likely plotting to take over the world.

She also writes under the pen name Amy Sparling.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Book Spotlight for The Dark Seduction of Miss Jane

The Dark Seduction Of Miss Jane
By Amanda McIntyre

A scandalous betrayal sets Miss Jane Goodwin on an unexpected journey to London to pursue her dream of being the first female investigative journalist, but she soon finds herself in a hotbed of murder and controversy. Seduced by the passions of a mysterious lover and stalked by a madman, tensions mount as Jane falls prey to her desires, only to discover a deadly secret that threatens more than just her trust in men.

Inspector Randolph Mansfield is one of Scotland Yard’s elite, battling the dark secrets of his past while trying to solve a rash of grisly murders threatening to mar Queen Victoria's Jubilee. His respite is the anonymity he finds in the decadence of a private gentleman’s club, until a determined American journalist goes undercover in search of her stalker and he finds the lines between protection and passion blurred. But as tensions heat and her life is threatened, he must choose whether to reveal his true identity at the risk of losing her trust and his career.

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My parents believed that women should be independent and capable. What is your thinking along those lines, Mr. Hampton?” she asked, purposely goading him.

He emitted a long-suffering sigh. “I do find a capable woman refreshing, Miss Goodwin. I have no qualms with a woman who wishes to be independent and, moreover, isn't afraid to speak her mind.”

She slid him a glance. “Indeed, I think your aunt is correct. You are a charmer.”

He shrugged. “A woman can profess to be independent in many things, but there are still times when a man’s involvement is necessary.”

“That is quite enough, Wesley Hampton,” his aunt spoke.

“Name one,” Jane fired back as she crossed her arms.

“Jane!” Isabella turned in her chair and pinned Jane with a shocked expression.

Wesley’s mouth curled into a wicked smile. He lifted his brow and set down his cup. “A conversation left to another day

About The Author

Amanda McIntyre grew up the daughter of a father who was a distributor for a New York magazine publishing firm, and usually had her nose stuck in the latest issue of Vampirella magazine or a Hitchcock Mystery paperback. She has been called  "a true artist in the writing realm' and her zest for life inspires her "character-driven" stories. Her passion is to take ordinary people and place them in extraordinary situations. She is a best-selling, multi-genre hybrid author and has received numerous awards and nominations for her work. Amanda is published internationally, in audio, e-book and in print. She currently writes sizzling contemporary cowboy romance and is about to release her first historical erotic thriller.

You can find Amanda here:


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Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Written On Her Heart By Paige Rion

Written On Her Heart - PROMO Blitz
By Paige Rion
Contemporary Romance / New Adult
Date Published:April 23, 2014

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Andi Callaway has dreamed of becoming a published author her entire life.

Ford Delaney has always wanted nothing more than to escape his past.

An opportunity of a lifetime. This is what Andi finds when she returns home to Callaway Cove on summer break. A chance to work for her literary idol Ford Delaney is up for grabs, and she’s willing to risk everything—her boyfriend, her best friends, and her education—to get it.

She’s positive this will be the key to reaching her dreams. But the moment she begins working for the reclusive author, Andi realizes there’s more to him than just a name. As attraction builds between Andi and Ford, she begins to discover consequences must come hand-in-hand with something great—which could loosen control over her tightly wound life. And once romantic sparks fly, Andi’s other relationships start to crumble, Ford’s fame comes back to haunt him, and the heat they generate will either forge a powerful, enduring love or threaten everything she holds dear.


He went to pull away, but Andi caught his hand, holding it there.
He exhaled, breath caressing her skin. “How do you do it?” he asked.
She swallowed, a razor blade in her throat while his eyes searched hers. “Do what?”
His face became distorted and her vision blurred until she wondered if this all wasn’t just a dream.
“Get under my skin,” he whispered.
The second the words left his mouth, he leaned in and crushed his lips over hers, kissing her as though it was going to be his last time kissing anyone. She blocked out the world, blocked out every thought except of him and the warmth of his touch. His fingers trailed over her jaw, her throat, and moved over her cool, damp skin, leaving her breathless.
She tipped her head to the side, deepening the kiss, reveling at how the pain in her throat and the throbbing in her chest vanished with his touch. Never before had she felt this. As if she was soaring and falling at the same time. As if she was witnessing something exotic and rare. As if she could die right now and not care, as long as it was in his arms.
She reached up to him, running her hands through his hair, something she had wanted to do from that first day in his office. He groaned and every nerve came alive with each second his lips danced with hers. All her worries slipped away. She was invincible.
And then their lips parted and Ford breathed her name. But when she blinked her heavy eyelids open, seconds later, he was gone.

About the Author:
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Paige Rion is a contemporary romance author. She's a mother, wife, blogger, hopeless chocoholic, coffee-addicted, wine-lover. Her debut, novel--a new adult romance--Written On Her Heart, is the first in the Callaway Cove series. The next in the series is to be released this summer. She loves connecting with readers on her blog and social media.

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Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Shattering Halos by Sunniva Dee

Shattering Halos
Author: Sunniva Dee
Publisher: The Wild Rose Press, Inc;
Publication: February 22, 2014
Pages: 364 
Genre: New Adult/Paranormal Romance

- it is "Beautiful Disaster" meets the TV series "Supernatural"...if the brothers were angels and love made them lose their heads.

He traded my death for love. I wasn’t given a choice. His decision has caught up with us, so now I am a living, breathing catalyst to war between Heaven and Hell.

The violations he committed saved my life. Since the collision, he’s appeared everywhere. In my hospital room, my school, even my house. He shows up in my paintings, my drawings, in all of my art projects. I can’t stop thinking about him.

He says his name is Gabriel, and he doesn’t understand what’s happening to him. He doesn’t know how I can see him or why he loves me in ways that should be impossible for a Celestial.

My obsession grows. I want him to hold me, kiss me—give all of himself. For every day he protects me, the consequences loom darker and taller. Soon, they’ll crash down on us. Yes, the war is about to begin.

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"Why was she so upset with you, Gabriel?” I asked.
“I can’t read her mind.”
“Oh right, how silly of me.” I rolled my eyes. His thoughts were somewhere else, so my sarcasm didn’t register with him.
“I’ve never had to cloak myself before.”
“Oh, with your other humans, you mean?” My voice came out strange.
Gabriel turned fully and looked at me. His eyebrows lifted. “Right…”
“How many others have you had?”
“I don’t know, thousands.”
Holy. Crap.
I leaned my forehead against the window, trying to hide the flare of jealousy.
“Gaia.” A gentle hand reached around and pulled me back toward him. I couldn’t meet his stare.
“They were humans that lived before you.”
“Girls?” Why did I sound sulky? Oh, right, because I was a terrible actress. Gabriel’s quiet laughter drizzled over me. “Babies. Some growing into women and others into men. Many never grew up.”
“Did they see you?” Did you kiss them?
Gabriel didn’t reply at first. Then the back of his hand traced my cheekbone down to my mouth.
“No, I didn’t.”
My breath hitched. I must have heard wrong. His eyes focused on my lips, and my gut clenched.
He let go of me too fast. An arm hid his expression as he fell back into his seat. I leaned over, my palm molding to his face. I needed him close.
When it slid down his neck, a muffled groan slipped from him. “Please don’t touch me, Gaia.”
“You started it.”
“I know—I won’t. We have to stop this.”
“Crap! You’re not making any sense—you know that? This is bullshit!”
Gabriel pushed his seat up and faced me, his irises shimmering like water. “Gaia. I don’t know why the archangels haven’t come for me, but humans and angels—” He cut himself off, then continued. “I screwed up. Since I’m still with you, they must have given me another chance.”
And just like that, I transformed into pure instinct all over again and jumped into his lap. Clearly I could not be trusted near this—this…angel.
The steering wheel jabbed into my back, but I barely noticed. The pain was just another reason to get closer, much closer to him. My fingers slid into his hair, tangling with it. I tugged him to me and pressed my mouth against his.
Gabriel reacted immediately. He crushed me so tight that my breath wheezed out. The seat lowered underneath him, and he pulled me with him, devouring my mouth.
“We can’t be together?” I panted.
“No, we can’t.”
“Never?” Desperate, my tongue found his. He shook his head against my mouth. My stomach burned with need.
One at a time, I forced the words out in clipped gasps. “I can’t ever touch you again?” Gabriel groaned. I could feel him under me. So male, so alive.
I want him so much it hurts!
Gabriel’s eyes opened beneath me. He rocked me closer, and I moaned.
“Will you be visible to me?”
“Sometimes.” The tiny suckling noises as he feasted on my lips sent fire straight to my womb.
“Please, promise me you’ll be visible always.”
His hands moved up to my face and held me out from him. The kiss he gave me was too light on my lips, and I shuddered.
“No, not always. But I promise that you will see me every day.”
I absorbed the kisses, lucid enough to know they were the last ones I would ever receive from Gabriel.

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Originally from Norway, I moved to the United States twelve years ago.

The first awesome five years I spent in the San Fernando Valley, Los Angeles, before moving to the beautiful city of Savannah, Georgia.

I'm currently on my seventh year in the South, where my husband, son, and I are enjoying the heat, the humidity, as well as our crazy menagerie of animals better known as the petting zoo. The only one not here is my daughter, who returned to Norway for college.

I hold a Master's degree in languages, and for ten years, I taught at university level, before settling in as graduate adviser at the Savannah College of Art and Design.

Writing is my passion, my joy, and my addiction. Shattering Halos is my debut novel. When I'm not writing, I read. A lot. :)


Book Spotlight for Killer's Instinct


Where there is NO life there s Hope Hope has always been a bit of a freak. But when her mother crawls from her grave and her undead corpse goes MIA, Hope s last thread of normal snaps with a vengeance. Enrolling in a militia-style school for monster hunters seems her best bet for tracking down Mommy-dearest and putting what s left of her mother to rest. But the stakes are raised when she s partnered with three unique male recruits each with their own personal demons to slay if they want to survive basic training. But does Hope have a true killer s instinct? If she finds her mother, will she have the guts to do what must be done to save her soul? In a place like Le Manoir, all bets are off. What could be creepier than hunting down your own zombie mommy?....A single page in, I was hooked. Jacqueline Mitchard, author of What We Lost in the Dark and The Deep End of the Ocean Killer s Instinct is going to knock other YA monster-battling books off the shelves. Gary Braver, bestselling and award-winning author of Tunnel Vision.

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Dawn Dalton is the author of creepy young adult fiction. When she isn’t dodging monsters, you can find her at creepy crossroads with her husband and two hounds — you know, just skulking around. Dawn also writes adult thriller, romantic suspense ad contemporary young adult under the last name Ius. She is represented by Mandy Hubbard at D4EO Literary Agency.


Judith Graves has multiple young adult novels and short stories published with Leap Books,  Orca Book Publishers, Compass Press, and, under the pen name, Judith Tewes, is also published with Bloomsbury Spark. In addition, Judith is abscreenwriter and playwright, writes freelance articles for literary magazines, and facilitates writing workshops for both adults and young adults.


Monday, June 23, 2014

Cover Reveal for Lana's Awakening


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covergifTitle: Lana’s Awakening
Series: To have and control # 1
Author: Kristin Elyon
Audience: Adult
Genre: Dark Erotica
Formats: E-book
Publisher: Kristin Elyon
Cover by: Kellie Dennis at Book Cover by Design
Editor: Sapphire Kande
Date of Publishing: June 27, 2014.

Inspired by True Real Life Events…

When Lana Martin is kidnapped and thrown into a world of darkness, she is forced to do many things she otherwise would have never considered, the most horrible of all being to take a deep long look at herself. What she sees scares the hell out of her, and those around her. Sex for her is quickly transformed from the mundane to a dangerous way of life.

Something dark is awakened inside of her, an unknown desire, an insatiable hunger for a master to use her for his pleasure. Her need for submission takes her down a winding path of pain and pleasure, as she comes to grips with her carnal lust, and her need to have it satisfied. Her captor awoke a sexual beast he hadn’t expected, and no one is prepared for Lana Martin.

WARNING: This book contains very disturbing situations, abduction, sexual content, anal play, breath play, spanking, dubious consent, bondage, minor bdsm, strong language, and graphic violence.
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“With everything else so perfect,” he began, his eyes unable to hide the playful smile behind them, “I find myself wondering if you did it on purpose.”
There was no need for him to explain; they both knew perfectly well what he meant, just as they both knew perfectly well she had indeed done it on purpose. But still, the game had to be played out.
“I’m sure I don’t know what you mean, Sir.”
“Of course. When you have cleared the table, bring it to me.”
She wasted little time finishing her dinner and clearing the table. The dishes rinsed and put in the dishwasher to be completed, she went o the bedroom and retrieved the thing he wanted. Or perhaps more correctly, the thing she wanted.
It was called The Merciful One, a wooden paddle small enough to be used by one hand, light and thin. Smaller than one which might be found in a principal’s office, but more sturdy than those which came with a string and ball attached. She had made it for him, at his request, and from her own experience, she knew it was perfect. It stung like a son of a bitch when applied properly, but at the same time, it wasn’t heavy enough to not cause an actual injury.
“Thank you, Sir,” she said as she placed it in his waiting hand. Lana then pulled the only other chair from under the table and placed it in the center of the room. This one he had crafted for their special sessions. Once a hard backed dining chair, he had removed most of the back. Now, above the chair’s seat, only the two supporting posts remained, along with the very top plank of what had once been the back support. Sitting in the chair, the remaining support would touch her just below her shoulders, but she never sat in the chair. It was designed specifically for two positions. One was the main reason for the chair’s modifications. If she lay on the chair, with her head and shoulders between the supports, it was the perfect size to allow her knees to be pulled up over her head and tied to the top, leaving her in the most intimately vulnerable position. The second use for the chair was what it was to be used for this night.
Lana lay sideways across the chair’s seat, resting her stomach on the soft padding, her arms and legs dangling from either side. She waited as patiently as she could, but with some difficulty. He would take his time because he knew she wanted this. He would tease her before he began. It was more torturous than anything he would do with the paddle itself. The thought of asking him to hurry never entered her mind. The wait was hell, but what a delightful hell it was. Her dark prince knew her sins and exactly how to celebrate them, incorporating her punishment into her heavenly reward.
His hand on the small of her back told her he was ready, gently holding her in place with the warmth of a deep embrace. His free hand slid behind her, his fingers protruding past the paddle’s handle, gliding lightly across her skin. The first swat stung deep, sending rapid shockwaves through her body, and causing her skin to tingle ecstatically beneath the paddle. Her legs began to tremble immediately as she allowed her head to hang motionless beneath her.
“Thank you,” she managed, trying to make the strain in her voice sound, at the least, like it originated a bit more from pain than pleasure. But was often a trick harder than she could manage. All he had to do was let one finger slip, and touch her there, and he would know damn well how much she liked it.
A second swat came harder than the first, sending an echoing ‘smack!’ bouncing off the walls before returning to her welcoming ears. Even the sound of the paddle as it quickly reddened her ass caused a barely controllable urge to beg for more. A third swat, then a fourth and fifth came in rapid succession, stealing any delusions of control from Lana’s body, her mouth. She moaned loudly as Sergio applied the wood again and again, any semblance of displeasure lost to her completely. When she felt the handle of the paddle placed into his left hand on the small of her back, she could not hold back the whimper.
“Yes,” she said, knowing he would now know her desire, her appreciation. His finger slid effortlessly inside her aching opening, the sopping sound it made only heightening her desire, her need. A second finger found no further resistance than the first, as he quickened the pace, plowing his fingers inside her again and again. It was only when a third finger was added, that the pace slowed, her pussy tightened around him hungrily.
His left hand left her back and found her hair, pulling her head backward towards him, holding her in place as his hand plunged deeper into her. When his thumb extended and pressed against the darker opening between her legs, she thought she might lose consciousness. But he didn’t push it inside, merely applying pressure, teasing her with the thought of being penetrated in both openings at once. He knew she loved it; she had made it no secret, and while she would never ask him for it, she did everything she could to let him know she wanted it every time. The absolute lack of control, the purest form of submission in her eyes, she readily made no complaints when her asshole was violated. She craved it as much as anything else.
about the author

clip_image010During the day I work as a senior portrait photographer and a graphic designer.
At night I am a writer of DARK erotica and BDSM stories that are guaranteed to make your panties wet.
I'm also a college student who loves starbucks! I spend my free time watching The Vampire Diaries, The Walking Dead and True Blood.

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Friday, June 20, 2014

Spotlight for Favorite Coffee, Favorite Crush

Favorite Coffee, Favorite Crush - PROMO Blitz
By Victoria Pinder
Contemporary Romance
Date Published: June 12, 2014

Penny moves back to Miami to start her a job with a list of things to accomplish.

1.      Find a place to live.
2.      Avoid her gold-digging mother.
3.      Reconnect with old high school friends: her best friend Sandra, the dramatic Eva, the dark Michael, her half-brother Wyatt, and her former crush Jay.

Jay may have kept her firmly in the “friend zone”, but that didn’t stop her from wanting more. Her five friends have stood by her through some difficult times and she’ll need their help now to accomplish her first two goals.

As soon as Jay sees Penny, he puts his plan into motion. His investors need to see him with a stable woman, one who isn’t all flash and no brains; Penny fits the bill perfectly. There’s just one hitch—he wants more.

Their pretend date sets off a whirlwind of plots. From mothers who want to control their children’s lives to the loss of her exciting new job, Penny’s world turns upside down. She knows she can overcome all obstacles except one—she’s falling for Jay all over again.


“Home, sweet,”

Getting out of her car, Penelope brushed her worn jeans to get out a small wrinkle. Not that it mattered. She smelled the coffee drawing her to the door. The delicious aroma of freshly brewed java that could wake her up waited inside. Gainesville had coffee shops, but nothing that held her heart like this place. In high school, this place was her Mecca. Her stomach grumbled for the familiar drink.

The coffee shop looked almost the same as it had years ago, except for the aluminum tables and wooden chairs with red cushions. She remembered the plaid chairs and brown tables, but the place still calmed her, like she was coming home.

She stepped up to the counter. “I’ll have a cinnamon dulce non-fat latte, please.”

Leaving Gainesville after college had always been the plan. Just never back to Miami, but she’d changed. She could live here now.

She checked her lip gloss while she waited for the latte at the counter.

When she accepted the promotion from part-time to full-time position, she knew she would have to face her mother and the catch of the month, Lars, her mother’s plastic surgeon. What that woman would do for a free tummy tuck.

The job she’d accepted had offered to triple her salary provided she moved to the Coral Gables office. Somehow, she’d avoid her mother until necessary. What was the man’s name with money this week? Penny ignored that last call, knowing the man with the largest wallet always took precedence over whatever Penelope needed. Getting the non-fat milk, she watched the barista finish her latte. She’d succeed here, now. She had to.

She’d call Sandra, Eva, John, and Michael later. Wyatt, her half-brother, was stationed overseas, so she’d wait for his weekly call. These people were her real family.

The man handed her the latte. The first sip gave her the strength to do this. The tightness of the ride dissipated while she tasted her liquid savior. Sighing, she tasted heaven, the wake-up to her day.


Though the unmistakable voice was deeper, she knew who it was without even turning. Her high school crush, who never noticed her beyond her brain, with a deeper tone. Pulling at her pink tank top, she wished she wore better clothes. “John Jay.”

His steely blue eyes and sandy blond hair were the same color, but his build had grown more muscular. The leanness of his youth gave way to broad shoulders and hard, muscular arms. He had a straight, faded scar on his left cheek that was new--probably a bar fight. Rich boy wore his fancy perfectly fitted polo and jeans, and was definitely hotter with age. His million-dollar smile and devastating dimples sparked a warm flush that sped through her all the way to the tips of her toes.

“I’m going by Jay these days. It’s less formal.” He winked at her, turning off his tablet, pointing her to his table.

“It’s a good name, but I still prefer Dimples,” she teased. “It’s what I called you on online whenever I needed you.”

His rich, deep laugh sent that familiar spark through her.

Damn. Rich boy knew his effect on women, including her. He could manipulate her when she went quiet, but she learned a lot of in college. She’d not let him weaken her.

“When did you get back to town?”

“I’ve been in town for, like, five minutes. I stopped in for morning coffee. How have you been?”

“Good. Busy these days. You?”

She pushed back her hair, twisting her wrist, telling herself she was not the nerdy girl with a one-sided attraction any longer.

“I have a lot going on.”

“Flirty, Warm Eyes. How come you never came home after college? The past few months you’ve been out of touch.”

“Warm Eyes” sounded new. She refused to dwell. “You noticed? I’m surprised.”

“I noticed.”

She almost lost her balance looking at those dimples.

About the Author:
Author Victoria Pinder photo ProfessionalPic_zpsfa6ceecc.jpg
Victoria Pinder grew up in Irish Catholic Boston before moving to the Miami sun. She’s worked in engineering, after passing many tests proving how easy Math came to her. Then hating her life at the age of twenty four, she decided to go to law school. Four years later, after passing the bar and practicing very little, she realized that she hates the practice of law. She refused to one day turn 50 and realize she had nothing but her career and hours at a desk. After realizing she needed change, she became a high school teacher. Teaching is rewarding, but writing is a passion.
During all this time, she always wrote stories to entertain herself or calm down. Her parents are practical minded people demanding a job, and Victoria spent too many years living other people’s dreams, but when she sat down to see what skill she had that matched what she enjoyed doing, writing became so obvious. The middle school year book when someone wrote in it that one day she’d be a writer made sense when she turned thirty.
Besides her full time job of teaching, in 2013 and 2014, she sold on her own sold books to three different publishers. The Zoastra Affair, Chaperoning Paris, Borrowing the Doctor, and Electing Love will be published from Soul mate Publishing. Mything the Throne will be published with Double Dragon Ebooks. Favorite Coffee, Favorite Crush will be published with Jupiter Press.
Now she is represented by Dawn Dowdle of Blue Ridge Literary Agency and she hopes to continue selling her novels that she writes. Moving up to the next level from hard work and determination is rewarding, and partnerships bring new opportunities.
Also she’s the Vice President of Programs for the Florida Romance Writers. She’s gone to multiple conferences and intends to continue. She learns and meets so many people at conferences. Her website is, and she’ll continue to grow my web presence. She is working hard on other projects and found the time to plan her wedding this year.
Before writing, her father had taken her to many star trek conventions and on her own she grew up as the only girl in the 90s at the comic book store. Science Fiction was her first love, but contemporary romance was her second. She’s sticking with contemporaries for the near future.
Member of Florida Romance Writers, Contemporary Romance, Fantasy, Futuristic and Paranormal chapter of RWA, Celtic Hearts and Savvy Authors.

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