Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Love, Loneyly by William Cole

Author: William Cole

Genre: Contemporary, Romance, Espionage. Erotic

Release Date: December 30th 2014


Love Lonely, A Debut Novel By William C. Cole

When an injury forced David into an early retirement from his professional hockey career, he accepted a position to oversee the operations of his father-in-law’s thoroughbred horse racing division.
David’s wife Sandy is referred to as one of the most influential and beautiful women in the world. However, her official role as the family’s philanthropist requires an exhaustive amount of time away from home.
Upon her return from a recent trip, Sandy took notice of her husband’s attraction to his assistant trainer Renée, instantly recognizing the magnetism between them.
Renée is a petite young French girl who is suddenly given the opportunity to work closely with David soon after the head trainer is forced to resign.
Now traveling companions, with each passing day, the sexual tension between the two intensifies.
Sandy knows all too well that she is on the verge of losing her husband. Will she be able to alter her existing lifestyle to save him?
Or is it too late…

About the author:
Born in Toronto and raised in Northern Ontario, I currently own a small business in the Sudbury region. My wife Diane has been by my side for 34 years, which I believe should propel her directly into sainthood. I have been blessed with an amazing and supportive family.
Creativity has always been a part of my journey. Writing seems to be a natural extension to my years in the music industry, where I had the pleasure of listening to songs I penned being played on the radio.
When not working, sleeping, biking, or writing, I am on the golf course trying to keep up with my son’s Lee and Aaron.

Make It Last by Megan Erickson

Title: Make it Last
Author: Megan Erickson
SeriesBowler University #3
Genre: New Adult, Contemporary Romance
Publication: January 6th, 2014 by William Morrow Impulse

After graduating from Bowler University, the last place Cam Ruiz ever expected to find himself is his hometown. A bad job as a bouncer and worry over his mom’s health make living in Paradise anything but. There’s only one thing that can make his return any harder—running into the only girl he’s ever loved.

Tate Ellison made a mistake when she was eighteen, one that cost her the best thing she’s ever had. She’s always hoped the regret of losing Cam would fade over time. Too bad it’s only grown. She took comfort in the fact she’d never have to face him again, so his presence in Paradise throws her for a loop.

The pull between them is instant and when the truth of what happened years ago tumbles out, they share a mind-blowing kiss...which leads to more. But the past has a way of repeating itself. When all the cards are on the table, Cam and Tate must decide what they are willing to do to make it last.



About Megan

Megan Erickson grew up in a family that averages 5’5” on a good day and started writing to create characters who could reach the top kitchen shelf.

She’s got a couple of tattoos, has a thing for gladiators and has been called a crazy cat lady. After working as a journalist for years, she decided she liked creating her own endings better and switched back to fiction.

She lives in Pennsylvania with her husband, two kids and two cats. And no, she still can’t reach the stupid top shelf.



Monday, December 29, 2014

Riding for Redemption by Bonnie R. Paulson


Desperate to find her place in the world, Sara Beth dreams of applying for the Miss Wrangler Montana competition that tours with the rodeo circuit.
Riding horses has become her anchor until a near fatal accident takes more from her than she’d ever willingly sacrifice.
Determined to prove his business training, Johnny seeks out the Rourke family to call in an old favor. When he embroils himself in Sara Beth’s life, he has to prove they’re nothing more than friends.
Seeking independence, both Sara Beth and Johnny lean on each other more and more, until love threatens their friendship. Will they seek out each other or be confused by their dreams?
Can either of them leave their past and embrace their future?
Add to your TBR list on Goodreads
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BonnieBonnie R. Paulson mixes her science and medical background with reality and possibilities to make even myths seem likely and give every romance the genetic strength to survive. Bonnie has discovered a dark and twisty turn in her writing that she hopes you enjoy as much as she has enjoyed uncovering it. Dirt biking with her family in the Northwest keeps her sane.
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Doorknob Society by MJ Pletcher

Young Adult / Paranormal / Steampunk
Date Published: February 2012

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Chloe Masters’ world changes in a heartbeat and all she did was touch a doorknob.

When she was young Chloe’s mother vanished. Wracked by feelings of abandonment and anger she lost herself traveling with her fathers magic act, where illusions were part of her everyday life. Yet everything changes when they are pursued by a mysterious man in black out to kill her father. Touching a doorknob activates abilities she never knew she had and she finds herself thrust into a world of ancient societies and secrets.

When her father disappears it is a race against time to find answers before she loses whats left of her family. Now Chloe must choose who to trust, the man who will do anything for her or the one she can’t stop thinking about.

Book one of the Doorknob Society Saga.

About the Author

MJ Fletcher is the creator of the comic book series Adam Zero: The Last Man of Earth published by Ronin Studios. He’s also been published in Hope: The Hero Initiative and Digital Webbing Presents. The Doorknob Society was his first book series and still among his favorites. His other works include The Grimm Chronicles series and numerous novellas and short stories. He lives near the beach with his wife, daughter, and an insane dog.

Author Links

Twitter: fletch125
Instagram: mjfletcherwriter

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Saturday, December 27, 2014

Interview with author Sara Schoen

Anna was taken…

Taken from her home to live out a sick game that a guy has been playing for the last ten years.

With no certainty that anyone is looking for her, and seemingly hours away from home, she’s forced to play housewife with a man that has had twelve other ‘wives’.

Each of them now dead…

With 12 rules and the obvious exits blocked, from the previous girls attempts to flee. Is Anna’s only way out to play along and become a ‘loving wife’? Or will she die during the chase?

Would anyone even know what happened to her?

Or would she be labeled as a runaway?

And where is she in the first place?

 Interview with author Sara Schoen

If this book is part of a series, tell us a little about it?

It’s about three girls, that are connected through the series, going through a kidnapping. The main character’s are typically normal teenage girls ripped from their daily lives and forced to fight for their lives. The last girl, the main character of the third and final book, has had her life controlled by being taken at a young age and now she’s fighting for other girls not to go through what she and the other two girls did.

What made you write about a kidnapping?

Well, it’s an uncomfortable topic, very few people discuss it, and I think that’s an issue. We never talk about it until it’s too late. Someone goes missing, and if they aren’t seen or no one knows what happens to them, then we don’t know if we will ever see them again. I hope that people will read the book and know that they have to think about it, but they can’t let it take over their lives. Some people prepare for the apocalypse, but what about a danger that’s here right now? I don’t know what I would do if I was taken, but I wanted to raise awareness so people can learn that they have to take a few precautions.

What made you have the characters interact the way they do?

I made Steve creepy because I thought, what person would take a girl, much less thirteen of them? Then you have to think of a reason why he did it, and whether logical or not to readers, it had to make sense to him. No one likes him as a character, but he was a driving force of the story. He needed a reason, he needed something to live for, and I gave that to him. Garrett was raised with Steve, so he does what he feels will protect him, but he also wants to protect the girls that come into the house. It’s just how he is, he knows it’s dangerous, but he wants to help them. Anna is this empty shell basically, when you think about her she isn’t dynamic, she’s flat in a way until the middle of the book. She’s been torn away from her family, trying to figure out what happened, why it happened and her feelings. She feels the only way to live through this is to play along. She feels defeated until she has something to fight for and that’s when you see her change.

How was it to write the book?

It was both exciting and complicated. You have to touch on a lot of sensitive topics. The families affected by these things, the girls and boys themselves, and the possibilities that the individual could go through. No one wants to think about it, but sometimes I believe it’s better have a worse case scenario and work to prevent it instead of pretending it doesn’t happen or ignoring it.

What do you think people will think of the book?

I had my work on a website for a few years, and I got a lot of mixed reviews. There were mostly good words said, and it became very popular and I had a few readers tell me that they were going to be more cautious when going out at night. I’m not telling you to be suspicious of everyone, just be cautious about your surroundings. Keep yourself safe and learn what looks dangerous, or even what looks harmless, but could cause trouble. Then there were a few people that had the opposite opinion, they told me that I was basically the devil and that I didn’t deserve the book to become popular, that I was against religion and many other things. While those were the minority of the readers I had, I realize the book is an uncomfortable topic and few people want to think about it. I don’t apologize for starting the topic, and I just hope people who read will understand that I just want them to be vigilant.

What made you make it a trilogy?

It got really well known on the site, and I felt like I had more to say. The second books talks about what would happen if we took too many precautions, those same rules we made to protect people would cause them to act out and in some causes worse things would happen. It’s just a balance like everything else in life. The topic should be known, and we should take precautions, but it shouldn’t be the sole focus. We can’t stop bad things from happening completely, but we can raise awareness of them.

What was the hardest part of writing your book?

It was complicated, the characters, the setting and even just the story. It’s uncomfortable to write, and even uncomfortable to discuss with friends because they think it’s so strange that I choose this topic to write about.

Did you learn anything from writing your book and what was it?

You learn a lot about yourself when you write a book, and I mean more than just if you can finish or not. I learned with this book that the stories on the news are very real, they aren’t characters in a story that I can control and work with to give a happy ending to. They are real stories, and they don’t always end happily, and the ones that do are very lucky. It’s difficult to think about it like that, but it’s true. I wish we didn’t have to experience those stories, and attempt to understand the pain the families feel. I learned that it’s impossible to know them, and what they went through. All we can do is think we understand, when really we have no idea what it’s like, and that’s what scary to us.

What are your ambitions for your writing career?

I hope to get a few more topics out into the open, and even a few stories that I’m just excited to share. I still go to college, so school comes first and writing will be a hobby until then.

What else have you written?

I have dipped into a lot of genres, but I really enjoy Thrillers and Suspense the best. It’s exciting to write and I hope it’s just as exciting to read for those that read my books.

What’s the best compliment you got on the work?

A few people told me that if it became a movie they would pay money to go see it. It’s fantastic as an author to hear that, because you rarely think someone will like the book after being turned down by so many publishing companies, but that one person just keeps you going.

Can we expect to hear more from you?

A lot more, like I said I have so many stories I can’t wait to share with fans, friends and family. It’s exciting to find someone that wanted to work with me on the series and I hope they like working with me because I love working with them.

Can you share a little of your current work with us?

It has to do with one of my favorite characters, I don’t want to give too much away since I’m still working on planning the second book. It’s another series; three books with about three stand alone books that go with the series. I hope to have it out by next year, after I finish the Amber Alert series. So I really hope this launch goes off well because I’m really excited to share that story with everyone. It’s my personal favorite.

Where can people find you to keep up with you?

Twitter at SaraNSchoen, facebook (look up Sara Schoen and look for the Amber Alert banner), wattpad (xxnightstripexx) and goodreads, just look for Amber Alert by Sara Schoen.


About the author:

My name is Sara, I’m 19 years old, and I was born and raised in Alexandria Virginia. I have always been interested in writing, even started a book in elementary school, but it didn’t get very far. But it wasn’t until high school that my friend, and writing partner, more or less forced me to join an amateur writing site. After some convincing from her, I plucked up the courage and posted one of my stories. While it wasn’t popular at first, I was shocked and overwhelmed by the support of readers on Wattpad, and they gave me the support and confidence to get where I am today. I continued to write religiously for the next three years I was on the website, starting countless stories. I wasn’t worried that they weren’t popular because I had once heard that you shouldn’t be afraid to write crap, because it will make great fertilizer. I can’t wait to start sharing more works and Ideas with you guys!


Friday, December 26, 2014

Angel Burn by L. A. Weatherly


Book Blurb: 

They're out for your soul.

And they don't have heaven in mind...

Willow knows she's different from other girls, and not just because she loves tinkering with cars. Willow has a gift. She can look into the future and know people's dreams and hopes, their sorrows and regrets, just by touching them. She has no idea where this power comes from.

But the assassin, Alex, does. Gorgeous, mysterious Alex knows more about Willow than Willow herself does. He knows that her powers link to dark and dangerous forces and that he's one of the few humans left who can fight them. When Alex finds himself falling in love with his sworn enemy, he discovers that nothing is as it seems; least of all good and evil.

About the author:

Lee Weatherly was born in 1967 and grew up in Little Rock, Arkansas, USA. She lives with her husband in Hampshire, England, where she writes, goes on walks, tries out new recipes and has a cat named Bernard.

L.A. Weatherly is the pseudonym for Lee Weatherly. You can follow her on Twitter at @LA_Weatherly


Evil Imminent by Maryann Weston

Title: Evil Imminent

Author: Maryann Weston

Genre: Horror / Paranormal Short Story Collection

A horror/paranormal anthology that lures, grips and exhilarates, leaving the reader demanding more.

‘Normal’ will never be the same after reading Evil Imminent.

In Maryann Weston’s exciting new anthology, mundane becomes extraordinary.

·         Nate is unable to cast off his past;

·         Gabby is devastated by grief;

·         Sal will do whatever it takes;

·         Sybilla’s arrogance leads her to a deadly risk;

·         Dutton’s yearnings become an obsession;

·         Bella is consumed by her disrespect for culture;

·         Michael searches for redemption.

Unresolved dysfunction can have terrifying consequences.

“She fled back through the house and out the front door into the comfort of the suburban street. She gulped in the cool air and focused on one thought. Something had gone wrong. It had gone horribly wrong.”


It glided over rocks and grassy mounds, jumping the small creek, pausing every now and then, as if to call him forward. He followed until the silver light stopped in a small clearing at the front of a cave. Dutton stopped too, hidden by the safety of the tall forest trees. He peered around him, trying to see what was happening. As the silver light paused he saw something drift out of the cave. The hairs on the back of his neck stood on edge. His heart missed a beat. It looked like a woman – with hair the colour of a cornfield.

He choked on his breath. The woman looked identical to the photographs at home. His mother. He squeezed his eyes shut. Was he dreaming? When he opened them again she was still there, walking toward the silvery light. As she reached the light it engulfed her; she became one with the light. The silvery beam spun in his direction, motioning to him. His knees began to shake with excitement. His heart pounded so loudly in his ears, he thought they would explode. The light floated toward him, closer and closer until he could feel it pulsating on his skin. He raised his head and gazed into it. He had hoped to see the kind, gentle face of his mother but, instead, dark eyes blinked from within the silvery cloak. He frowned. This wasn’t his mother. It leant closer to him and hissed, “Look to the skies in three days; look for the dark star and you will find all you seek.” He nodded frantically before he blacked out and slumped to the ground.

Amazon UK: http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00QRE42J8?*Version*=1&*entries*=0

Gumroad: https://gumroad.com/l/QkWF

Author Bio:

Maryann Weston is a professional writer and communicator, working in private enterprise and for government. She lives in the rural town of Goulburn, Australia.

She has been writing all her life across many mediums and for many purposes.

Maryann has written for newspapers including feature, news and legal stories, and for government, niche magazines, websites and social media campaigns. She has developed, led and implemented countless public relations strategies for corporate and government clients, including for major national events.

She has successfully edited newspapers and magazines and online publications.

For the past 25 years Maryann has put words together in various ways, for a diverse audience and a variety of reasons, through her professional work and as an author. She has published three books, Belonging Places, Shadowscape and Dawn of the Shadowcasters. Evil Imminent is her first collection of horror and paranormal short stories.

Maryann has also just finished her first horror novel, Blood Visions.

and on Twitter @MaryannWeston. Visit her website at

You can find her books on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Maryann-Weston/e/B00HSH0OXQ

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Newsletter Cover Reveal


In simple language, Pauline Creeden creates worlds that are both familiar and strange, often pulling the veil between dimensions. She becomes the main character in each of her stories, and because she has ADD, she will get bored if she pretends to be one person for too long. Pauline is a horse trainer from Virginia, but writing is her therapy. Armored Hearts, her joint effort with author Melissa Turner Lee, has been a #1 Bestseller in Christian Fantasy and been awarded the Crowned Heart for Excellence by InDtale Magazine. It is also the 2013 Book Junkie’s Choice Winner in Historical Fiction. Her debut novel, Sanctuary, won 1st Place Christian YA Title 2013 Dante Rosetti Award and 2014 Readers’ Choice Gold Award for Best YA Horror Novel. Her other books include: First Impression: A Shadow Maven Paranormal is her first mystery. It’s a dark urban/paranormal fantasy and was just released in March 2014. Abiding Flame: A Catalyst Novel is a Christian Science fiction/dark fantasy that has been described as a Star Trek episode with Frank Peretti influences, released with Prism Book Group’s new ILLUMINATE line. Chronicles of Steele: Raven is a steampunk fantasy set in an alternate universe. First released in a 4-part serial and now is in a complete pack.

Sign up for her newsletter HERE


Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Giveaway for Whiskey Witches


WW-S1-6New Release - The Complete First Season of Whiskey Witches Detective Paige Whiskey comes from a long line of witches. They may not all be the most powerful, but they are outspoken and supportive of their community. She alone has no gifts. She can’t summon fire, can’t read minds. She knows the arcane. She’s studied it. That, along with her connection to the Whiskey Witches, lands her some pretty strange cases. Like the sacrificial murders of St. Francisville, Louisiana. There’s a killer on the loose, choosing people in a vain attempt to raise a demon. Not just any demon, though. A man born long ago, made a demon in order to protect the Gate to Hell. Together with demon hunter, Dexx Colt, her kitchen-witch grandmother, and her paranormal investigator brother-in-law, they unravel a conspiracy far bigger than a few simple murders, and re-discover Paige’s gift. She’s a demon summoner and she’s key to the killer’s plan.

Buy on Amazon / Kobo / Barnes and Noble

What reviewers are saying - "How can you go wrong with a Demon summoner and a Demon hunter?Did I mention a battle between Angels and Demons. "
"OMG OMG OMG - this is the first book of S M Blooding that I have read and I can now say that I hope to read more!!!"
"The dialogue is witty, the action is non-stop, and there is the promise of romance. While the immediate threat in this story is handled, there is the promise of another on the horizon, so this isn't a cliffhanger, but I defininitely need the next book."

Meet the Author:

SM “Frankie” Blooding lives in Colorado with her pet rock, Rockie, and Jack the Bird. Jack has refused to let her to take up the piano again, but is warming to the guitar. It might help that Frankie has learned more than two strings. She’s added a few more Arabic words to her vocabulary, but don’t invite her into conversation yet—unless, of course, you’re willing to have a very . . . slow . . . conversation. She’s dated vampires, werewolves, sorcerers, weapons smugglers and US Government assassins. Yes. She has stories. She’s also an investigator with a local paranormal investigation group, Colorado Paranormal Rescue!

Find out more about her at:

Facebook /Twitter /Website

In celebration of the release of Whiskey Witches The Complete Season One SM Blooding is giving one lucky reader a Funko POP Television: Supernatural Dean Action Figure. Open to US addresses only. Must be 18+. Ends 1/6/15