Monday, December 30, 2013

Cover Reveal for The Ultimate Betrayal

The Ultimate Betrayal

About the Author:
Lacey Leigh is a stay at home mother of three. Her children

are very active in school activities and keep her really busy 

but she still finds time to put her stories out there for 

everyone to enjoy.

Lacey's husband is medically retired from US ARMY. Though

she hates that he had to leave the job he loved so much she 

is glad to have him home with her children and herself. 

Lacey's books are written for ADULT audiences ONLY. All audiences are encouraged to 

read the warning in the front of the book BEFORE purchasing/reading any of Lacey's work. 

Lacey does NOT wish to offend ANYONE by her writing. She only wants to write for those 

About the Novel:

Rainey lived with her father (Martin Tucker) and sister (Mariah Tucker) in a small podunk town in Alabama known as Covington. Her mother was killed in a horrific car accident when she was seven years old.
Rainey was in love with a wonderful man that treats her with respect and kindness. Everyone including her father was against their relationship at first because of the age difference between them. They were happy together until she moved away to college. The case concerning her mother’s murder was reopened, and she was betrayed by the people she should have been able to trust above anyone else.
Does Rainey and Jake’s relationship survive all the pain and hurt that they are destined to endure? Will her mother’s murder be solved? Will their love overcome…

The Ultimate Betrayal?

The Cover!

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thongs for The Ultimate Betrayal, enter the 

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Thursday, December 19, 2013

Release Day for Stealing Promises

Today is the release day of Stealing Promises by Brina Courtney!

Genre: New Adult Contemporary Romance

 Promises are made to be kept, never stolen. But that’s exactly what happened to Victoria Blane and Levi Manor. Tragedy strikes their perfect relationship leaving Victoria struggling to overcome the darkness that threatens to bury her.
With Victoria’s life in tatters she decides that running away is easier than dealing with her troubles. But when a friend finds her on the floor in her kitchen, she knows it’s time for a change.
Brighton Hanley knows what it’s like to lose someone. He knows what it’s like to be haunted by things that can never change. When he meets Victoria he recognizes the pain she’s trying to bury deep in her eyes. He knows she’s trying to run away, but he also knows that you can’t run forever.
Victoria is drawn to Brighton in ways she never expected. He becomes her champion, her life line… her sunshine in the darkness. But is Victoria ready to let go of the past and grab on to her future? Or will she run away from Brighton before she can be hurt again?

The next morning Victoria was surprised to find it drizzling outside. She snuggled further under the quilt but when she reached over for Levi, he wasn’t there. She groggily opened her eyes and started to sit up looking for him, but he wasn’t inside the small cabin.
Wrapping the quilt around her body she shuffled over to the window to look out and see Levi rearranging some things in the truck. She opened it slightly and called out to him, “Morning, did you have breakfast yet?”

He waved back at her, there was mud down his jeans but he looked relaxed and almost cheerful. “No not yet. I’m trying to get down to the main house to get us some, it was included with our stay. God damn truck is stuck in the mud.”
Victoria sighed deeply, so much for getting to see the small town that was close by. “Well I packed some snacks.”
He smiled back at her and shrugged his shoulders and walked into the cabin taking off his muddy boots upon arrival.  He walked over to Victoria and delivered a light kiss on the cheek, “How did I get so lucky?”

She smiled back at him devilishly, “Can’t tell ya. So what’s the grand plan for today vacation planner?”
He laughed at her teasing, “You’ll just have to wait and see won’t you?”

She set her lips into a thin line, Victoria didn’t like surprises very much.

“Don’t worry about it. Just eat your granola bar.”
After they ate and Victoria had gotten dressed Levi led her to the back of the cabin to a small trail. “I think you’re really going to enjoy this.”
They walked through the cool spring air while trees shed sprinkles on them. They walked in silence, hand-in-hand over small rocks and twigs, through the mud until Victoria finally heard rushing water. “Is that a waterfall?”
Levi smiled at her. “Nope. I did you one better.”
As they continued to walk they came upon a clearing with a small hot spring receded into the ground. There were rocks set up around it clearly put there by nature while others had been moved by people to keep clothes dry and supplies away from the steam. Victoria smiled and pushed Levi playfully. “You know I didn’t bring a bathing suit!”
Levi kissed her on the lips pushing his body against hers, “Of course I know that.” He quickly began to strip, taking his hoodie and shirt off in a flash. Victoria watched with interested eyes as he turned to her, his tanned muscles rippling beneath the light rain. He walked over to her and wrapped his hands around her body to bring her closer. “You’re going to join me, right?”  He whispered hotly in her ear.

About Brina Courtney


Brina Courtney is a new adult author obsessed with chocolate, crime shows, and fantasy movies. She’s spent the last few years as an elementary teacher and a high school cheering coach. She lives in a small town in Pennsylvania with her husband and two very loud, small dogs.


Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Guest Post by Suzanna J. Linton

Title: Clara
Author: Suzanna J. Linton 
Genre:  Fantasy 

Book Blurb: 

To save a nation, Clara will have to see through both the fog of war, and the fog of her own heart...

Sold into slavery as a child, and rendered mute by the horrors she suffered, Clara's life extends no further than the castle kitchens and their garden. Those who know about her just think of her as the dull mute girl who may be a little soft in the head, not knowing that she carries within herself a precious gift: the ability to see the future. This is a gift she keeps secret, though, for fear of persecution.

However, a vision prompts her to prevent a murder, shoving her not only into the intrigues and gilded life of the nobility, but also into a civil war brewing in her country. As events unfold, and she is drawn deeper into the conflict, she meets an old friend, makes a new one, and begins to unearth secrets better left buried.

Driven to learn the truth about the war, and about her friends, Clara embarks on a journey that takes her from her beloved mountains to the very Capital itself, Bertrand, where she is confronted by an evil both ancient and twisted. The only problem is, her own anger and prejudices are the catalysts her enemy needs to complete its plans. If she is not careful, not only will the entire nation be lost, but her own soul as well.

Book Excerpt:

Clara dressed with nervous, cold fingers, the fire casting large, malformed shadows onto the walls.  On her table sat the remains of a light breakfast.
"His lordship told me to bring it, as well as to wake you." the maid had whispered.  She set out her clothes with a look of disdain.  Clara found out why quickly enough: they were dark brown boy's tunic, shirt, and trousers.  She managed to find suitable boots in the bottom of her wardrobe.
Outside, her breath puffed white vapor as she crossed the flagstones in the early morning light, the sun barely cresting the tree line. She walked with long strides to the stables, ignoring the stares of servants and soldiers, and found Emmerich already at his sword exercises.  Holding his sword carefully, he slowly worked through forms and stances, then repeated them more quickly, over and over, until he became a blur and his blade sang through the air, the sun glancing off the metal.  She watched with awe.
When he finished, he turned to her.  "You're late," he said.  Today he wore the uniform she first saw him in and the way the sun cast its light around him made her feel shy and exhilarated all at once.  But remembering what he said of her yesterday tossed cold water on her feelings.
She reached for her slate, only to find that once again, in her excitement, she left it in her room.  She settled for a glare.
He grinned and waved her over, sheathing his sword.  When approached, he held out a wooden practice sword.  "We'll start with this."
She held it as if she expected it to bite her.  With a sigh, Emmerich came up behind her, reaching around her to arrange her hands and fingers on the hilt.  She tensed.
"Clara," he said softly, "I am your teacher this morning.  When we meet at this time, that is what our relationship is: teacher and pupil.  You have no reason to fear me.  Now.  Part of fighting is being loose.  You have to be relaxed; it makes it easier to respond.  Take a deep breath.  Fill your lungs.  That's it.  Now, let it out.  Again.  Take in your tension.  Now, let it out with your breath.  Again.  Good."
He smelled like leather, soap, and musk.  Clara would admit to herself much later that it was mostly his smell that made her stomach unloose and her shoulders relax.  But that morning she only credited his good teaching skills.  He placed his hands lightly on her hips and turned them slightly.
"Bring your right foot back.  No, too wide.  Your feet can be no wider apart than your shoulders.  Good.  Bend your knees a little.  Very good."  He reached up and tilted her forearms up.  "This is your defensive stance.  Now, I'm going to guide you through some forms."
They worked until the sun came over the tree line.  Steward Warren interrupted them with a cough.  Emmerich frowned, but let Clara come out of her stance.  Her legs and back ached.  She thought longingly of the bathing room.
"We'll meet here tomorrow at the same time," he said.  Turning, he strode away, the steward hurrying to keep up.
"I think you did well," said a voice suddenly.  Clara whirled, jerking the sword up into a defensive pose without thinking.  Gavin leaned against the stable wall.  Blinking, she smiled shyly and dropped the pose.
"I don't like that you need to learn this,” he continued, “ did well."
He straightened and walked away.  Clara opened her mouth, trying to make herself call out to him, to ask him if he really did think she was learning well, to perhaps explain everything he said yesterday, but nothing came.  She watched helplessly as he turned the corner out of sight.

Purchase links:

Guest Post by Suzanna J. Linton

A long time ago, in a notebook I can no longer find, Clara was born.  However, she was called Alisha and Emmerich was called Marco.  They somehow transported from Earth to this fantastical land (that would later be called Lorst) for reasons that I never explained.  Then, suddenly, a sorceress!  And a quest!  And a magic sleep!

It was a bit of a mess.

But the idea of Clara, of a young woman thrust into situations beyond her understanding and beyond anything she's had to deal with previously, stayed with me.  I suppose this is because it spoke to me of my own journey into womanhood.  I grew up in the very rural, deep South and we were very poor.  More than once, we stood only a step or two above homelessness.  The world outside our county seemed incredibly large to me.  Adulthood just appeared to be one large, complicated burden that I dreaded.

As I transitioned from that rural life to a slightly more urban one, and received a higher education, adulthood slowly became a more manageable undertaking, though still fraught with uncertainties.  At times, I still feel as if I've been thrown into things "beyond my ken", to use the Scottish phrasing of my grandmother.  If anything, the idea of this persevering, insatiably curious woman rose all the more strongly in my mind as someone with whom I could identify.  I kept thinking about what I tried to say in that first novel all those years ago.  When NanoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) came around in 2010, I decided to give Alisha (soon to be renamed Clara) another go.

It took about two years before I finally polished CLARA enough to be ready for submission to agents.  I spent another year, on and off, submitting.  If I received an answer at all, it was either "This isn't what we're looking for right now" or "I'm just not excited enough about this".  The first I can understand.  The second?  I wasn't really sure how to help agents to be "excited" about my story other than doing my best with my query letter and tweaking the first two chapters.

Finally, I gave up trying to break into traditional publishing and turned to the avenue of self-publication.  Once more, I felt as if I stood on the edge of something beyond my full understanding.  Self-publishing online felt like an enormous undertaking that I wouldn't be able to do.  But writing CLARA taught me (or, at least reminded me) of the value of courage.  There is a lot of courage needed to throw a novel into a world where there are so many other novels clamoring for attention.

Then, much like Clara, I had a moment of pure clarity, when I realized what I wanted.  I wanted people to read what I've written.  Maybe one day I can make it in traditional publishing, but what matters isn't the money or any sort of fame.  What matters is getting out the story that's been living in the back of my mind for well over a decade.  When you realize what you want, everything else becomes so much simpler.

CLARA is about a girl, sold into slavery as a child, who has an extraordinary ability to see the future.  It's about this girl being thrown into a civil war and a social station that she knows little to nothing about.  She must trust others to tell her, truthfully, what is going on around her so that she can make the best decision in regard to her abilities.  When that trust is shattered, then Clara must make a decision, one that could decide the fate of an entire nation.

There's also romance (requited and unrequited), action, a sociopath, torture, revenge, and magic.  The story is told not only through Clara's point of view, but also the points of view of the men around her, the men that control the world she inhabits and in which she wishes to gain independence.

I hope that those reading this post will go and read at least a sample of the novel, which begins on the day Clara's childhood ended.  I hope that the message I tried to convey reaches you and that you will see some of yourself in Clara. 

Author Bio: 

Suzanna Linton was born in South Carolina and grew up in Orangeburg County. In 2002, she attended the summer program in fiction and poetry for the SC Governor's School for the Arts and Humanities. After graduating high school, she went on to Francis Marion University, where she majored in English. In 2013, she received Honorable Mention in the Sidney Lanier Poetry Award Competition.

When she's not writing or working at the local library, Suzanna can be found either reading or gardening. She also loves to watch movies and television series. Right now, she's nose deep in The Walking Dead, White Collar, and Star Trek. 

She lives with her husband and their two dogs, Benedict and Scholastica, in Florence, SC.


Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Book Spotlight for A Dance For Fools

Title: A Dance for Fools
Author: J.A Lynch
Genre: Erotica
Book Blurb: 

Bianka, a vampire with an insatiable thirst and desire for the body unlocked Pandora's box when she disposed of Iona, and instead of getting the freedom she desired, she condemned herself to a curse.

With her new found fate as the Rose, comes the responsibility of choosing her own courtesan and fulfilling her pledge to Artemis and the Oracle, but Bianka is hell bent on revenge, and if she can't have her freedom then at least she can play the King and his court for fools.

Of course, nothing is never simple, and as Bianka puts all her energies into revenge, she doesn't see the ensuing chaos that she unleashes.

A dance for fools is only the beginning of the end...

Book Excerpt:
The grand doors were opened, and I was lead inside, straight through to the grand gallery and the hall of light. A series of sparkling chandeliers adorned the ceiling. The ceiling itself was decorated with paintings celebrating the life and history of our maker, Nosferatu. The artwork was quite spectacular. The dawn of the first Vampire was immortalised in those paintings, and this room served the purpose of remembering the setting of the sun and the rebirth of our kind, or so I was led to believe.
The gallery fell quiet as I began walking down the long passageway towards the thrown and the pompous King sat in it.
“Greetings your majesty.” I joyously greeted him as I stood before him.
To his side, Batar stood in an awkward position, trying his best not to make eye contact with me. On the other side stood Kefozsé, Batar’s younger brother. But it was impossible to deny me the pleasure of his glare. He couldn’t help it. The fact that I had more flesh than needed to be on show, made me stand out just a little too much. My breasts were heaving and the black onyx necklace accentuated my chest, made sure that all eyes were directed at them.
“Bianka, it is always a pleasure.” The King lied. His eyes were deep red and I could tell by the scent that lingered from him that he had fed and fucked quite recently. By looking around the room, I could easily pick out his latest conquest, a tall blonde, with green eyes and not the cleanest of pussies. She reeked and sniffing the air, I could smell the sexual desires of almost every man and woman stood in there.
“Batar delivered your message and gave me much to think about.” I teased. “But I am sure you’re well aware that my new found position of authority comes with new principles and priorities. I may be bound to Artemis and the Oracle, but I am also a Rose who has different tastes compared to my predecessor. Unlike her, I do not wish to parade the virgins of Hollókő before you or I. Instead, I have come up with a whole new concept for the inauguration ceremony: a grand masked ball.”
Clapping my hands together, I could hear the squeals of delight from many of the court, and Batar met my gaze and smirked.
“And when do you suggest the invites go out?” The King asked with a smug grin.
“Oh, I shall leave those particulars to you. I don’t deal with the mundane tasks; I’d much prefer to just show up on the night and feast.” I replied, bowing to the arrogant bastard and turned my back on him and walked towards the door.
“Oh, and one other thing, I expect everyone here to be masked, not just the candidates, but each and every one of you, is that clear?” I showed my authority and loved the thrill.

Purchase your copy for Kindle:

Author Bio:

Fiery Librian Julieanne Lynch is an author of urban fantasy books for both adults and teens. Julieanne lives in Northern Ireland , where she works on her Shadow World novels and other series full-time. Before becoming a writer, she considered a few different career paths, a rock star being one of them. She studied English Literature and Creative Writing at The Open University, and considered journalism as a career path. However, she decided writing was the way for her and believes all of her education and reading prepared her for it.

Julieanne also writes under the pen name J.A. Lynch.

An avid reader, Julieanne has always had an encompassing fascination with folklore. When not writing, she enjoys crime series such as Criminal Minds, CSI, NCIS and Cold Case, and loves anything with Vampires, listening to metal, meeting new people, drinking lots of green tea, and sharing her dreams with her children. She is a self-professed goth wanna-be,and is happy when left to write into the early hours of the morning.

Julieanne's YA series, The Shadow World novels, is published by Vamptasy Publishing and thus far contains Within the Shadows. It follows the war between vampires and shadow creatures. Giselle Bergman, an 18-year old human girl, falls victim to a scheme by one of her closest childhood friends, and embarks on a journey that sees her become the center of a battle between good and evil.


Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Cover Reveal for Favorite Places

Favorite Places - Extreme PROMO Blitz
By Kelly Gendron

Contemporary Erotica
Date Published: 12/10/2013

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A five-minute trolley ride, one troublemaking luggage, and two stolen identities. Six months later, two strangers discover they’re married. She wants an annulment. He has other plans.

Being illegally hitched is about the only way Chase Lennox would ever be shackled to any woman. But when the multimillionaire playboy finds out he’s married to the woman who caused him to lose the biggest deal of his life, Chase decides before he gives his new wife an annulment, she’s going to help him close the deal he’d lost.
Jessina Landi has a three-foot radius comfort zone. The last man she let into it cost her a lot more than a broken heart. And the huge debt she owes for that trust, well, it’s due. If she takes Chase Lennox's up on his offer, it’s sure to cover the bill.
There’s an annulment waiting at the end of their rainbow… well, that’s if they can get through the next two weeks without consummating the marriage.

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"Finish getting ready. We're outta here in a few minutes.” He turned his back to her.
Jessina struggled to recover from the total body meltdown he’d so easily triggered. "Are we heading back to your apartment?"
"Yes," he responded just as he disappeared from the doorway.
"Good." She raised her voice. "You can drop me off at the bus stop then."
Chase's head swayed back in the doorway. "Come again?"
"I'm going home, but I'll be back in time for Caplin's arrival on Thursday."
He stepped back into the room. "Why do you want to go home?"
The question caught her off guard. She'd assumed he'd be pleased to be rid of her. Nonetheless, telling him the truth wasn't an option. "As you said, the only reason we needed to spend time together was so I could get to know you, so we can convince Caplin we're married."
His forehead wrinkled. "And you feel like you know me?"
"Well enough to pull off a bullshit marriage, yes."
"Hmm." He rubbed his chin, the intensity of his stare holding her captive. She clung to those dark eyes, waiting for him to say something. He dropped his hand and took a step toward her.
"I don't want you to go." His low, husky words resonated in her ears.
Her body hesitated, heart skipped, and nerves stammered. All of her senses failed her. She couldn’t have heard him right. "What?"
"There are a few more things you need to know about me in order to successfully pull this off, Jessina."
Every single one of her senses came back to life as he moved closer.
"Will you stay just one more night?" He stopped in front of her. "So I can show them to you?"
"What?" Heat flushed through her body once more. "What sort of things?"
Dark, ravishing eyes dropped to her mouth as he drew a finger down the side of her cheek. It trailed along her neck, gently grazing her shoulder and caressing the length of her arm. "The sort of things I would do with my real wife." He looked back up at her, his hand now settled on her hip. The weight of his touch caused her stomach to clench with desire. His hand shifted to the small of her back, and her next breath got caught in her throat. "I want to show you how my wife would make me feel when I'm this close to her." He applied light pressure with his hand to her back, and the space between them descended. Their bodies became one.
"Chase…" His name fell from her lips in a near whisper when his hardness pressed into her tight-with-desire belly.
"Jessina…" he hissed back in a throaty murmur…

About the Author
Kelly Gendron

Kelly resides in a quiet suburb somewhere between Buffalo and Niagara Falls, NY. Her day job? Kelly has worked in the healthcare field for years. She represents a group of reputable nursing facilities in the WNY area.
She's been faithfully writing for three years. However, she wrote her first book ten years ago but had to put it down to raise her son as a single mom. When her son got a little older, she was able to pick it back up. That's when she settled into her newly married life and started to seriously write again.
The recipe for the men in her stories: a dash of bad boy attitude, a cup of strong and confident and, of course, besides being packed with magnificent bodies, and doused with shameless aptitudes, they must have a tender heart you want to rip out of the pages (or your e-Reader) and take to bed with you at night.
Kelly loves to hear from her readers! Visit her Blog, FB Page, Goodreads, Twitter.

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Monday, December 9, 2013

Spotlight and Giveaway for North Pole Reform School

Title: North Pole Reform School
Author: Jaimie Admans
Date of Publication: November 6, 2013

Genre: YA rom-com, fantasy

Mistletoe Bell hates Christmas. So would you if you had a name like hers. Her Christmas-mad parents make the festive season last all year, and with another Christmas looming, Mis doesn’t think she can take any more. After her carelessness causes an accident at school, it seems like things can’t get any worse.
Then she wakes up to find The Ghost of Christmases Ruined in her bedroom.
She is taken to the North Pole, to a reform school run by elves determined to make her love Christmas. Stuck in a misfit group of fellow Christmas-haters with a motley crew of the weird and even weirder, watched over by elves day and night, she doesn’t expect to meet cute and funny Luke, who is hiding a vulnerable side beneath his sarcastic exterior. She doesn’t expect to fall in love with him.
But all is not as it should be at the North Pole. A certain Mr Claus is making the elves’ lives a misery, and pretty soon Mistletoe and Luke are doing more than just learning to like Christmas.
A YA romantic comedy in which Santa is the bad guy, teaching reindeer to fly is on the curriculum, and zombies have a fondness for Christmas music.

Suitable for older teens and upwards due to bad language.

Book Excerpt:
“So are we really in the North Pole?” Hugo asks.
“I thought we’d established that,” Navi says.
“Wait, if we’re really in the North Pole, are there…” Emily pauses. “Are there polar bears here?”
Tinsel laughs. “It’s not the polar bears you have to watch out for around here, it’s the zombies. The weather outside Santa’s snow globe is uninhabitable to anything living. Hence, the zombies.”
“Wait…,” Luke starts. “This is a joke, right? You are winding us up?”
“Elves can’t tell lies,” Tinsel reminds him. “It’s quite true. There may be the odd polar bear or two outside, yes, but there are definitely zombies. They come up here to live because humans are so unaccepting of them in your world. Don’t worry though. They can’t come inside the snow globe, so as long as you’re in here, you’re safe.”
“What about the polar bears?” Emily asks. “Can they come inside?”
“Only if they’re very clever,” Navidad jokes.
“Oh nooo,” Emily squeals. “I hate polar bears.”
“Seriously? You’re worried about polar bears when they’re telling us there are zombies around?” Luke looks at her incredulously.
“I’m not scared of zombies,” Emily tells him. “I know what to do about them. I told you, I’ve been taking a class. Polar bears are creepy though.”
“Don’t the bears eat the zombies?” Hugo asks.
“The zombies have learnt not to go near the polar bears. Even zombies can be smart when they watch others getting their heads bitten off.”
“Eurgh,” Emily says.
“Wait, is everyone just accepting this? We’re in a giant snow globe surrounded by zombies and nobody thinks this is even slightly unusual?” I ask.
“I don’t know of any other explanation,” Hugo says.
“But zombies don’t exist,” I say. “They’re just made up for horror movies.”
“But elves and the North Pole don’t really exist either,” Emily says. “And yet we’re looking at them.”
“I still think someone drugged my drink when I wasn’t looking,” Joe says.
“Do the zombies try to get in?” Hugo asks.
“Generally no, they’re quite calm zombies. I think the sound of our bells soothes them. They occasionally get a bee in their bonnet about something and start hurling themselves at the glass, but I assure you all it’s completely shatterproof.”
“Well, that’s comforting,” I mutter.
“Where is this glass?” Luke asks. “Can we see it? Because I find it really difficult to believe that you all live inside a snow globe.”
“It’s just a giant glass dome. We thought you might prefer to think of it as a snow globe.”
“As opposed to what? Prison walls?”
“Now, don’t be like that, Mr Wyatt. We’ll show you everything, if you could all stop arguing for five minutes.”
“Does it ever stop snowing?” Hugo asks as he looks up at the sky.
“Not at this time of year. It’s the North Pole,” Tinsel says.
“And we’re inside a snow globe. Duh,” Joe adds.
Everyone is quiet as we follow the elves down the street. Even I have to admit it’s very pretty here. Snow, elves, sparkling lights, even the low sound of bells isn’t bothering me as much as I thought it would.
“Don’t worry, you’ll find your way around in no time. It’s a very small village. And the rest of the elves are always friendly, so don’t be scared to ask anyone for directions.”
“Don’t you have grumpy elves? How come the elves are always friendly?”
“Because they’re happy, Hugo. You might not think so, but Christmas makes people happy and we elves have Christmas cheer all year round.”
I fight the urge to make puking noises.
“That’s where the stables are.” Tinsel points out a little path on our left. “We love the reindeer, but we do have to house them a little bit further away than we’d like because they’re smelly creatures, really.”
“Smellier than you’d think,” Navi jokes. “People hear ‘Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer’ and think how great Rudolph is and how cute his red nose is, but they don’t stop to think about how smelly his stable gets. The others too. I don’t know what we feed Comet and Blitzen, but personally I think we should stop.”
Emily laughs at that.
“And this is the factory where all the toys are made. Things are always busy in there as we have such a big order on such a close deadline. The elves work hard, but they always seem to be in a panic the closer it gets to Christmas. We’ve never failed an order yet and we don’t intend to start now.”
Walking further on, Tinsel points out the post office. They have a whole building and a team of elves dedicated to sorting and sending mail.
“And that building over there is the N and N headquarters.”
“What’s N and N?” Luke asks and receives a look like he’s the stupidest person in the world from Tinsel.
“Naughty and Nice. That’s where they read the case files and divide the list into naughty and nice children,” she tells us.
“And check it twice,” Navi adds.
“What happens to the naughty ones?” I ask.
“Lump of coal in the stocking, obviously. Although to be honest, this Santa is being much harsher this year. We are finding ourselves with more naughty children than ever before.”
“Which makes the whole N and N Intelligence system, which we work so hard to run, completely invalid. We keep trying to have words with him, but this Santa is nothing if not stubborn,” Tinsel says. “And that there is the—”
“Wait,” Luke interrupts. “Twice now you’ve said ‘this Santa’. Is Santa not the same all the time? Does he change?”
“You will learn, dear boy, you will learn,” Navi tells him cryptically.
“The two buildings to our right here, one is the packaging factory because the toys don’t package themselves, you know. The other building is top secret.”
“Can we go in?” Hugo asks.
“Not yet. Once you have been here a while you will be able to watch the training, but it is simply not viable for any of you to participate. It’s a system that requires elves with speed and great talent.”
“What is it?”
“It’s the black-ops.” Despite Tinsel casting him a look, Navi continues, “We may as well tell them, my love, they’re going to find out anyway.”
She huffs and looks away.
“They’re a secret team,” Navi says. “Like ninjas, but better. They spend all year training for just one night—Christmas Eve. They are the black-ops elf team for chimney-related emergencies.”
“What the hell is a chimney-related emergency?” Luke asks.
I can’t help giggling. “Do you mean if Santa gets stuck in a chimney?”
They nod.
“Does he get stuck in a lot of chimneys?” I can’t hide the laughter that comes out at the very thought.
“It depends on how many cookies and glasses of milk he consumes on the run. We elves might have a certain amount of magic, but we can’t speed up his digestion, unfortunately.”
Everyone giggles except for Emily.
“Digestion is no laughing matter,” she says disapprovingly. Then she starts looking around like
she’s freaked out. “Did you hear a quack?”
That only serves to make the rest of us laugh even more.

About Jaimie Admans:

Jaimie is a 28-year-old English-sounding Welsh girl with an awkward-to-spell name. She lives in South Wales and enjoys writing, gardening, drinking tea and watching horror movies. She hates spiders and cheese & onion crisps. She has been writing for years but has never before plucked up the courage to tell people. Afterlife Academy is her third novel and she hopes you enjoy it. There are plenty more on the way!
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Friday, December 6, 2013

Vampiric Assignations by Sara York

Paranormal Romance
Date Published: 10/4/2013

Vlas Von Heildvic sets his sights on Amber Black and will stop at nothing to take her. She is the key to his future, one where he rules the world. The Protectorate can’t let her fall into the wrong hands, but Maverick’s structured ways mangle the operation, leaving her vulnerable. Once bitten, Amber runs off, scared of what she is becoming. Maverick has to change his ways to save Amber and keep her from altering the balance of power in the vampire world. If he loses Amber to the forces of darkness, the world will forever change, leaving humans under vampire control.


About the author:

Writing is Sara's life. The stories fight to get out, often leaving her working on four or five books at once. She can't help but write. Along with her writing addiction she has a coffee addiction. Some nights, the only reason she stops writing and goes to sleep is for the fresh brewed coffee in the morning.
Sara enjoys writing twisted tales of passion, anger, and love with a good healthy dose of lust thrown in for fun. Almost a quarter of a century ago Sara met her lover, falling for him after knowing him for ten minutes. Sara's passion for him comes out in her stories, mixing with her passion for life, love, and good times, flowing onto the page and becoming tales from the heart.

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