Friday, October 31, 2014

Whiskey Witches by S.M. Blooding

WW-S1-E1 Whiskey Witches - Old Beginnings: Season 1 Episode 1

Detective Paige Whiskey comes from a long line of witches. They may not all be the most powerful, but they are outspoken and supportive of their community. She alone has no gifts. She can’t summon fire, can’t read minds. She knows the arcane. She’s studied it. That, along with her connection to the Whiskey Witches, lands her some pretty strange cases. Like the sacrificial murders of St. Francisville, Louisiana. There’s a killer on the loose, choosing people in a vain attempt to raise a demon. Once she gets there, she realizes the murders were nothing more than an elaborate invitation, tempting her into the claws of the killer. She does have a gift, a very powerful and terrifying one. The killer is after her.

Buy on Amazon / Kobo


Meet the Author:

SM “Frankie” Blooding lives in Colorado with her pet rock, Rockie, and Jack the Bird. Jack has refused to let her to take up the piano again, but is warming to the guitar. It might help that Frankie has learned more than two strings. She’s added a few more Arabic words to her vocabulary, but don’t invite her into conversation yet—unless, of course, you’re willing to have a very . . . slow . . . conversation. She’s dated vampires, werewolves, sorcerers, weapons smugglers and US Government assassins. Yes. She has stories. She’s also an investigator with a local paranormal investigation group, Colorado Paranormal Rescue!

Find out more about her at:

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Coming to Rosemont by Barbara Hinske

Coming to Rosemont by Barbara Hinske
Women's Fiction / Contemporary
Date Published: February 18, 2013

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Maggie travels to Westbury for the stated purpose of listing Rosemont for immediate sale, but what she really seeks are answers to her all-consuming questions about her sham of a marriage; her sham of a life. She never anticipated the seductive charm of Rosemont. Throwing her trademark caution to the wind, and over the objections of her opinionated grown children, she pulls up stakes and moves halfway across the country, determined to make a fresh start in Westbury. Behind closed doors, however, lurks a cadre of evildoers, playing with multiple wild cards of fraud, embezzlement and arson.

With a quiet, orderly -- and distinctively solitary -- life in mind, Maggie is instead thrown headlong into a crusade against political corruption, where defeat and retreat are not an option. Still bearing the scars of betrayal, will she find joy, romance and possibility in Westbury?

This fast-paced, smart novel has enough twists and turns to make the reader want to buckle in!


From chapter 9

Maggie dropped to her knees and threw her arms around the squirming dog.  “You don’t know how much I appreciate being able to have Eve with me tonight,” she beamed up at John.  “My flight was delayed and I had a Chatty-Cathy car rental agent.  I drove like a maniac to get here. I’m really very grateful you waited.  The lot was empty and I thought that I was too late.”
“It was no trouble.  I was catching up on paperwork,” John assured her.  “I live on the other side of the Square and walk to work, weather permitting.  I usually stop at one of the restaurants on the way home for dinner.”
“Are you done?  Would you like a lift home?”
John knew an opportunity when he saw one.  “I just need to lock up,” he said.  “Are you hungry?  Or are you full of delicious airline food,” he mocked.  When she shook her head and indicated that she was, indeed, starved, he proposed that the three of them walk over to Pete’s for dinner. They could leave her car at the Hospital and she could drop him off at his house after dinner.

From chapter 7

“What do you mean, mom?  Fresh start?  I don’t get it,” Susan finally replied.
“You know how awkward things have been for me with the College crowd.  The new President and his wife are headed in a different direction and don’t want me hanging around.  I don’t feel like I fit anywhere anymore.  Helen is the only friend that I continue to see,” she
said.  Maggie raised her hand to hush their objections.  “You both have your own lives.  I need to have mine.  I can run my business from anywhere with a phone and a computer.”
“So you’re thinking of moving there?” Susan choked.
“That’s exactly what I’ve decided to do,” Maggie replied with her best attempt at a firm, confident voice.
“But you don’t know anyone there,” Susan protested.
“Won’t you rattle around in that huge house all alone?  Won’t that make you feel more alone?” Mike interjected for the first time.
“You know, that’s the part I’m most sure of.  That I won’t be lonely in that house.  When the front door closed behind me that first night, I knew I was home.  I never told you, but I checked out of the hotel and moved into Rosemont the night I arrived,” Maggie said.  Mike and Susan exchanged a skeptical glance.  “And you know, the most extraordinary thing happened the next morning.  I adopted a lost dog.  Or more accurately, she adopted me,” Maggie said, and told them about Eve.  “So you see, I won’t be alone there,” Maggie finished.
Both children remained silent.  Astonished, Maggie thought with a measure of satisfaction.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

How to be Manly by Maureen O'Leary Wanket

HowtobemanlybabberHow To Be Manly

When Fatty Matty Sullivan finds a self-help book by former football great Tad Manly at a yard sale, he secretly starts following the old pro’s advice to get in shape and get the girl. Summer goals: lose the milkshake weight, join the football team, and turn himself into the kind of guy super hot Cassie Bale will love. But between taking care of his grandfather, trying to pass remedial Algebra, and getting caught up in his friend Jester’s half-baked weed-dealing schemes, Matty’s summer isn’t quite the game-changer he’d planned. When on top of it all his dad moves back in with his own plans to get rich quick, Matty suddenly has much bigger things to worry about than football and whether or not Cassie’s going to call him back. And it turns out that there might be more to being manly than he thought. Maureen O’Leary Wanket’s debut is a sharp, comic novel about trying to do the right thing… even when you’re not sure what that is.

Buy on Amazon | B&N

Put How To Be Manly on your TBR list  

Meet the Author:

MOW author pic_cr suzanne swansonMaureen O’Leary Wanket is a writer and teacher living in Sacramento, California with her husband and two daughters. How To Be Manly is inspired by the humor and courage of the students she’s met in her classrooms over the past twenty years. She loves high school football, but only when she happens to teach at least half of the players on the field. Her short stories have appeared in Esopus, Xenith, Fiction at Work, Blood and Thunder, Musings on the Art of Medicine and Prick of the Spindle. Maureen writes articles about issues in education for local and national publications. She also muses about inspirations for a writer’s life in Friday Free Topic at How To Be Manly is her first novel. Find Maureen on: Twitter | Blog | Goodreads

The author is giving away a $15 Amazon Gift Card and a paperback. Fill out the form below to enter

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Eternal Neverland by Natasha Rogue

Paranormal / Mature YA
Date Published: October 28, 2014
"I've abandoned all my principles for you... Broken laws I held to so firm for centuries, did things I never thought myself capable of..." He kissed her as he whispered. "Was it worth it?" His tears wet her lips. "I don't remember."~David
Helena K. Sharpe was raised by a man who had sympathy for supernatural creatures, for the vampires his bloodline hunted for centuries. She was too young to understand how he tried to help them, but she knew it was important. Her father made her promise never to hunt them and she would do anything to keep that promise.
Until he is murdered by the very things he dedicated so much of his life to.
Orphaned and alone, Helena takes to the street, afraid for whatever's left of her life. Without her family, she doesn't know how--or even if--she can go on. Until a vagrant takes her under his wing and gives her a purpose. Revenge.
For six years she learns about the monsters, studies their habits, until, at 15 years old, she feels she's ready to find the ones responsible for her parent's death. All she has to do is become one of them. She's cute, young, innocent...
They'll never see her coming.

**Special Sale price of $0.99 for pre-order and release week. Price will go up to $3.99 after release**
With a petulant scowl that contrasted with the vulnerability and fear she’d shown so far, the girl jutted her chin up and met David’s eyes. “Yes, that’s blood on my mouth.”
Somehow, David found patience, even though he was starting to wonder how the girl had survived sixteen years with so little regard for her own safety. He kept his tone soft, not wanting her to be afraid of him. She should be, but why make things more difficult? He needed answers.
“Is it your blood?”
This time, she dropped her gaze, as if she’d done something she knew was wrong. And whispered, “No. Charlie’s.”
The earth seemed to drop a foot beneath him. He shook his head, backing away from her, leaving the car before he said or did anything to make her feel the goddamn fear she should have. The sound of the car door slamming echoed down the quiet street. The rain soaked his hair and his clothes and he tipped his head back with his hands covering his face to hold in the curses he wanted to shout into the night.
Charlie had damned her. He doubted there was enough blood to turn her, but she couldn’t go back to her pitiful existence among her own kind. If he didn’t bring her across, he’d have to kill her, because otherwise she would suffer for days as Charlie’s blood slowly made changes that would destroy her from the inside out.
In three hundred years, David had been forced to do terrible things to stay alive. To build the sanctuary, he’d sacrificed even those he loved, always focused on the greater good. He’d give his own life to make sure there was always a safe haven for those whose lives had been stolen from them. But making another creature like himself? There had never been any reason good enough.
There still isn’t.
True, and yet…he couldn’t help feel responsible for Charlie’s actions. A need to clean up Charlie’s latest mess. Why should the girl pay for simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time?
Others would pay if he saved her. If he couldn’t control her, every life she took to feed the insatiable hunger would be on him.
If I do this, I will control her.
She would be a weakness. One many would try to use against him.
I won’t give them a chance.
He let out a bitter laugh, knowing he’d already made his choice. He’d take her life and her freedom and hope she would eventually forgive him when she realized what she’d become. He would let her decide, but there was no way she’d understand.
She’d be better off dead.
About the author:
Natasha Rogue is a Canadian author who’s been writing for most of her life. After penning novels behind math textbooks all through high school, she attended Dawson College in Creative Arts with dreams of becoming a screenwriter. The best teacher she ever had took her aside and told her to go back where she belonged. To her roots with the books she loved to write.
Eternal Neverland (Steps Before the Fall) was one of her first complete novels. There are seven books in draft form completed in the series, but they gathered dust until experience and contacts with the right editors and crit partners gave them what they needed to be shared. However, A Breed Apart: The Token, was released through a small press in 2012. The book will be rereleased shortly.
You may find Natasha at several signings throughout the year as she writes multiple genres. Don’t worry, she doesn’t bite. But she will happily chat with you about the hotties who do. And shamelessly admit to liking Charlie way more than she should.
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Monday, October 27, 2014

Book Blast for Curruption by John O'Reilly


Cover for Corruption2As a category six wizard in her eighties, Josephine O’Connor has always enjoyed a youthful body due to extremely slow aging but when she discovers she’s become immortal, she must return to the workforce. Soon after starting her investigative work for the police, Josephine discovers a secret organization called the Valituras that has amassed ancient magic and power with single-minded determination. Her new assignment of defeating this agency may prove to be an impossible feat as their members have infiltrated all levels of the government including law enforcement and their advanced wizardry rivals her own. Josephine realizes she may be in over her head when the Valituras end up casting an immortality curse on her best friend, Helen, by mistake. To further complicate matters, her grandson’s eighteen-year-old friend starts hitting on her. Fortunately, Helen isn’t too broken up by the curse. Who wouldn’t want to live forever in a young, perfect body? Of course, everyone knows that dark magic always comes at a cost.

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About the Author:

John for NPWAJohn O'Riley has been writing as far back as he can remember. He is an award winning fiction writer and the author of the Grumpy Old Wizards series, The Winters Family Psi Chronicles series, and the Wizards of Seattle series. His movie feature screenplay, Cursed, is an Honorable Mention Winner for the 2012 Screenplay Festival. His most recent accomplishments include the screenplays New Earth, Pinky Swear, and Mutant Wizards in the 2014 Filmmakers International Screenplay Awards which made it to Quarter-Finalist status. Other recognition includes the screenplays Cursed, Project Pandora, Pinky Swear, Incipio, and Bad Sister which have been listed as Quarter Finalists, Semi Finalists, and Top Finalists in the 2013 Filmmakers International Screenplay Awards, 2012 Screenplay Festival, 2012 Filmmakers International Screenplay Awards, 2012 StoryPros International Awards, 2012 Pulsar Sci Fi Screenplay Contest, and the 2012 Reel Authors International Breakout. John was raised in Washington state. He has a Bachelor’s degree in Spanish and French and worked in a variety of bookstores including Borders and was the manager for one of the bookstores in Florida owned by Goodwill. He loves reading fantasy, science fiction, and humorous fiction. Some of his favorite authors include Kim Harrison, Jim Butcher, S.J. Viehl, Kat Richardson, J.K. Rowling, Angie Sage, Jayne Krentz, and Kevin Emerson. He currently resides in Washington state and owns a parakeet named Amy who sings like a canary to help encourage and inspire him.  

Follow John:

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Enter to win a $25 Amazon Gift Card from the author during the Corruption Book Blast

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Giveaway and Excerpt for Blue Dahlia

Blue Dahlia
Vivian Winslow
Genre: Erotic Romance
Release Date: October 16, 2014

Purchase: Amazon US 

Blue Dahlia is the first book in the second trilogy of Vivian Winslow's Gilded Flower series, featuring Lily Baron's free-spirited twin sister, Dahlia.

New York socialite Dahlia Baron is falling for her Latin lover, Rodrigo Cruz, the scion of the Mama Linda Latin foods empire, and hopes to take the relationship to the next level. But there's is a dark secret that she must deal with first in order to truly give her heart to him. When Dahlia visits the man from her past, will the undercurrents of her emotions let her go to Rodrigo or will they pull her back to the one person who stands between them?

Mature readers only. 18+

Dahlia leads Rodrigo up a wide flight of stairs and through a small photography exhibition with a sleepy guard standing by the entryway. They cross the empty room to an unmarked door. She produces a key card and swipes it.

“How?” Rodrigo begins to ask.

She replies with a wink and closes the door behind them. “This is where they keep the pieces waiting to be sent to the storage facility,” Dahlia whispers as they walk past rows of cloth covered paintings and wooden crates. As they reach the end of the corridor, Dahlia pulls Rodrigo into the last row.

Without hesitating, he draws her mouth to his, their kiss all-consuming. His hot tongue finds hers and takes the kiss so deep it sends electricity through her body. He always knows what she needs in the moment. Today, she wants all of him. She needs his reassurance.

He cups her face with his hands and gently tugs on her lower lip with his teeth. The desire in his eyes leaves her core throbbing for him. She moans as she feels his generous erection press up against her.

Rodrigo’s hand moves under her skirt, grabbing and kneading her ass before hitching her leg around his waist. Without missing a beat, she leans back against the wall to allow him better access to her snatch.

He smiles seductively, licking his bottom lip as his hand goes exploring, palming her clit. He presses his lips hard against hers, and she relishes in the heady feeling his kisses give her. Her hips begin to move to the rhythm of his fingers, as he glides them in and out of her wet, hot love tunnel.

Dahlia gasps as he begins to move faster. “I want you inside me,” she whispers, her breathing strained by the excitement of the moment. She can’t get enough of him. “Love me now.”

Dahlia playfully bites and licks his neck as she runs her hands through his thick dark hair. “I can’t imagine being anywhere else, baby.”

Rodrigo brusquely lifts her by her ass, and she wraps her legs around him. He moans as he sinks his hard cock into her.

He moves slowly at first, enjoying the tightness of her cunt. Dahlia closes her eyes as he plunges deeper into her core. She likes that he takes it slow with her, his fullness becoming all that she can feel, overwhelming her senses.

Vivian Winslow was born and raised in Southern California. Before becoming a writer, she made a career out of moving around the world every couple of years thanks to her husband’s job. She currently lives in New York City with her husband and two elementary school age children, and is grateful to finally have a place to call home for more than two years. New York is the perfect city to indulge her love of shopping, the arts and especially food.

If she’s not at home writing or running around the city with her kids, you’ll most likely find her indulging in pizza on the Lower East Side or having a cocktail at her favorite bar in Alphabet City. That said, she’s still a California girl at heart and would gladly trade in her heels for a pair of flip-flops to catch a sunset on the beach. .

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Thursday, October 23, 2014

Review of Do I Bother Yout At Night


Do I Bother You at Night_Ebook Do I Bother You At Night is Celebrating It's One Year Anniversary On October 4th! To thank all his loyal readers Troy is giving away a Caseable Kindle Folio from his new online store Tribal Style Design to one reader during the blast! Book Blurb: They say nothing ever happens in Kansas. Sylvester Petersen used to think so too. That is, until a mysterious new neighbor moves in next door, seemingly out of nowhere. His handful of friends – people who tried to help him cope with the sudden death of his wife – think that it might be an opportunity for him to get reacquainted with the world outside his farmhouse and to build a new relationship with his neighbor. But that idea is soon snuffed out as strange events begin to happen around him. None of them wrong. Just strange: driving in the middle of the night, the sulfur-like odor coming off of him, the fact he doesn’t talk to anyone in the area. And what about that dog? Sylvester chooses the logical explanation and ignores the peculiar behavior. But when other oddities start to happen – the kind that affects Sylvester directly – he begins to worry. His reasoning dwindles and his growing fear points to his neighbor. Where is that stray dog going? After enough time, Sylvester starts to see and hear what the people of the area have been muttering about: Unexplainable blue light, corn crops moving on their own…the slaughtered cattle entirely too close to home. And that stray dog that keeps getting fatter and fatter… At the peak of summer, and with the walls closing in, Sylvester experiences something that will take him to the brink and haunt you forever. Bathed in loss, terror and human spirit, Do I Bother You at Night? will be a story you won’t forget and one that will give you a few restless evenings of your own. Love thy neighbor. "Do I Bother You At Night? by Troy Aaron Ratliff not only can be put on a list of one of my favorite frightening stories, it climbs near the peak of the mountain. Things happen in this story that made even a reader as jaded and hard to impress as me jump in my seat." - Alex Kimmell, author of The Key To Everything "As we know from his short fiction, Troy Aaron Ratliff revels - to our colorful benefit - in turning the ordinary on its head, often in terrifyingly plausible ways. In this, his first novel, he stretches into the realm of the supernatural, but of course, it continues to feel just as plausible because of the vivid characters at the heart of the story. Do I Bother You at Night? will stay with you for many nights." Mike Robinson, Author of The Prince of Earth and The Green-Eyed Monster

Buy on Amazon

Note: This review contains no spoilers
Upon reading the book blurb for Do I Bother You At Night I was instantly intrigued, and I’m glad I requested a copy for a review.
This thriller/horror story definitely lived up to my expectations. One of the things I really enjoyed about the story is that it builds up slowly, the suspension creeping up on you until you’re finally to that part that makes you think, “I’m sure glad I decided to read this book.”
I highly recommend this book to those horror junkies out there. It will definitely deliver.

the uninvited guestTroy's Short Story The Uninvited Guest Will be FREE on Amazon Oct. 14th - 18th! When teenagers Harland Jacobs and Jose Rodriguez crashed a wedding, they weren’t doing anything terribly wrong. Jose only came because his nagging mother made him. Harlan only joined him to make it tolerable for his friend - and the free food, the girls and the dancing, of course. And they took full advantage too, eating, laughing at the guests behind their backs, and in the end, were planning to make complete fools of themselves. Why not? What did they have to lose? But they never dreamed this wedding would have taken such a staggeringly horrific turn. They never dreamed they would be fighting for their lives in this lodge tucked away in the woods. They never dreamed they would have heard so much screaming on a wedding day either.

Buy on Amazon

troy freeTroy's Short Story Little Bernie's Map Will Be FREE On Amazon Oct 24th - 28th
The world is a funny place with funny people and some things just happen for no reason at all. Still, every family deserves a vacation, a break, even when times are tough and backs are against the wall. Daniel, a recently out-of-work family man, is returning home with his wife and child from a lovely prescheduled vacation before they must face the harsh reality back home. What they would never have expected was the surreal nightmare they would experience on their journey back.

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About the author:

troyTroy Aaron Ratliff was born and raised in Hamilton, Ohio and self educated in writing, art, photography, and voice impersonations. When he's not reading, writing, sketching, or cooking up his next monstrosity, you can generally find him defending the galaxy from the forces of evil, feeding hippopotamuses, dining with foreign dignitaries and Zen masters, waking up to his supermodel wife, altering the space-time inter-dimensional warp or, more than likely, stuck in traffic somewhere in Southern California on his magic carpet.

Find Troy on:

Website | Google+ | Literary Addicts | Goodreads | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook


Check out the Book Trailer

Author Interview with Troy

Follow the Book Tour   Troy is giving away any choice from the following link of Caseable Kindle Folio from his new online store Tribal Style Design to one reader during the blast.


Fill out the form below to enter

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Jen's All About Books: Book & Author spotlight: Keeper of the Innocents b...

Jen's All About Books: Book & Author spotlight: Keeper of the Innocents b...: Keeper of the Innocents Book Info Author : Kristy Centeno Genre : YA/Paranormal Series : Keeper Witches # 2 Length : 27...

Claiming Carlos by Rachelle Ayala


"Sexy & hilarious foodie romance -- too hot in the kitchen."
Enjoyed Taming Romeo (Sanchez Sisters Book #1)? Then you know bossy big sister Choco. See what antics she gets into in Claiming Carlos.
Choco Sanchez is stuck in a rut. She’s never hit a softball and has been friends forever with Carlos Lopez, the head cook at her family’s Filipino restaurant. When flashy restaurant consultant Johnny Dee hits her with a pitch, she falls head over heels and gets a makeover.
Carlos Lopez is not about to lose one for the home team. When Johnny launches a full scale change on the menu, Carlos sends him straight into the dumpster. Claiming Choco’s heart proves more difficult, especially when her secrets threaten to doom their love. But never underestimate a man who can cook hot, spicy, and steamy, and we ain’t talking just food.
Steamy love scenes and language. Suitable for readers 18+.




Book 1:

Rachelle Ayala is an author of dramatic romantic suspense and humorous, sexy contemporary romances. Her heroines are feisty and her heroes hot. She writes emotionally challenging stories but believes in the power of love and hope.
Subscribe to her mailing list for upcoming books and giveaways. and find her books at online retailers Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, Apple iBookstore, and more.
Fiction: Michal’s Window, Broken Build, Hidden Under Her Heart, Chance for Love Boxed Set, Knowing Vera, Taming Romeo, Whole Latte Love, Played by Love, Playing the Rookie, A Father for Christmas, Claiming Carlos
Want to Contact Rachelle?

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