Wednesday, December 27, 2017
Sunday, December 17, 2017
Saturday, December 16, 2017
When the Snowman Whispered by Kenya Wright

Title: When the Snowman Whispered
By: Kenya Wright
Publication Date: December 23, 2016
Genre: Paranormal Romance
**A Standalone Novella dealing with Romance and Hoodoo Folk Magic**
When the Snowman whispered, Faith’s marriage had crumbled and the world had already gone insane. Instead of a holly jolly Christmas, the garbage of humanity filled the news. A crazy election and mass shootings. Riots and protests. People screamed at each other on and offline.
In 2016, the world had gone mad and,
maybe Faith too.
Because there was a snowman. And she carved him into a cold, chiseled masterpiece. And he came alive. Maybe due to the mojo bag her mother gave her for Christmas. Maybe due to the human insanity bleeding and spilling its rot onto the earth.
Or maybe it was all that hunger,
sweltering inside of Faith and yearning to wake up and break free.
that beautiful snow man whispered.
He came alive.
And things will never be the same.
5.0 out of 5 stars ~ S. Lowry
A bit of fantasy, a bit of strange like the twilight zone with a bit of magic all tied in a messy bow of fun
4.0 out of 5 stars ~ Steamy IR Reads
Original, intrigueing, creative masterpiece
It was more to the story than i anticipated. It had the horror of Tananarive Due , the passion and mystery of Game of Thrones, and the realism and cautionary tale of Toni Morrison, with the mysticism of Alice Walker. A good read.
Amazon -
I wish he was real.
I shaped him from snow,
and he stood tall above me.
He was chiseled glass in the winter. A life-sized crystal man, slick and curved in all the right places. I used a step ladder to smooth the top of his head, my knife to line his muscles, and my hands to form his face.
I clutched the tiny red leather bag hanging from a string around my neck. A piece of twine tied it closed. A heart-shaped key dangled on its side. Letting go of the bag, I licked my lips and imagined him alive and in front of me.
He’s gorgeous. I’d melt all over him.
I sculpted for a living, but this had been my best work.
The snowman’s flesh appeared like crushed pearls. I slipped my fingers along the smooth line of his body—shivering from the touch of him. He was frozen pecs and a cold bulge at his groin. A frosty masterpiece. I used my earrings for his eyes—oval sapphires surrounded by diamonds. They sparkled in the winter sun.
“Those are some expensive eyes, my friend.” I placed the hat on his head.
Kenya Wright wrote her first novel during her third year at UM Law school. She dropped out a month after the release and never looked back.
Words are power, and Kenya wants to be the greatest wizard that ever lived.
It's an audacity to inspire and teach the healing of love through arousal.
It's this crazy idea that love can not only help a reader escape, but the story can also teach the person
about being human, while making them laugh, cry, and hot for more sex.
You can FOLLOW me Here on Amazon and you will be notified of new releases, or subscribe to my new release mailing list.
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Friday, December 15, 2017
Interview with Kristy Centeno author of Deliverance
By Kristy Centeno
ISBN: (ebook)
(Print) 978-1-939590-79-4
Page count: 327
Buy Links:
He’s been locked away his entire life.
He dreams of freedom.
The only way he can accomplish his goals is by
breaking free of the chains tying him to a dark past and gloomy existence. But
there’s one catch. He’s not human.
And he’s never set foot outside his jail.
Devoted to saving his peers as well as his own
life, he sets out to find the one person that can help him achieve his
objectives. He knows where she will be and what she will look like, but what he
doesn’t anticipate is the fact he finds himself caring for the girl whose life
he’s put at risk, more and more each day.
He has no name.
He has only known hatred and violence before
However, she will teach him to have faith in
humanity, even if she can’t trust him.
Together they will embark on a journey to
bring down a corrupt system responsible for the loss of many innocent lives.
But when he finds his feelings compromised, can he still move on knowing that
doing so will put an end to the life she once knew? How far is he willing to go
to be free?
I pull open the
driver’s-side door, only to have it brusquely shut by a rather large, pale
hand. Startled by the suddenness of the man’s appearance, I shift to my left
and come eye to eye with a bulky-looking individual with dark brown eyes, and a
scar that traces a fine line from his upper lip all the way down to his chin.
“Don’t attract attention,
missy.” He sneers at me.
I glance down at the feel
of something hard poking my ribcage and find, much to my horror, that he’s
leveled a gun at my stomach. Most of the weapon is concealed by a khaki trench
coat he wears.
“Keep your pretty little
mouth shut and all will sail smoothly,” he warns, standing rigidly beside me.
He glances briefly over the roof of the truck. “Tiger. Hello there, my dear old
friend. Didn’t take you long to make friends, huh?”
I grow stiff. So these
are the psychos that are after Tiger.
Dissension (A Deliverance Novel)
By Kristy Centeno
ISBN ebook: 978-1-945910-37-1
Print: 978-1-945910-38-8
Buy Links:
In an age where humans dominate
the world…
And supernatural creatures exist
in the cover of darkness…
He must find a place among his
rivals or risk losing it all.
Hayden has had his hands tied
coping with life outside of the Institutes. He’s come far despite all the bumps
along the way. He’s allowed himself to believe he could live a normal
life…until a new threat makes its presence known.
In an instant, his entire life is
flipped upside down once more. Those he cares for are not safe with or without
him. There’s no escaping his past. Or permanent solution to his problems. One
way or another he’ll become the target for all those looking to destroy the
hybrid who endangers their way of life and challenges everything they’ve ever
Now he must decide between kill
or be killed, and risk becoming the very monster he’s fought so hard to prove
he’s not. Freedom has come with a price, but is he willing to pay the cost?
I failed to notice before, caught up in my conversation with
Gabriel. My heart picks up speed as I come to the realization that something is
off. We may have walked straight into the mother of all traps.
“What the hell…?”
“Kristina, run!” Gabriel shoves me back the way we came before
I can make sense of what has made him so paranoid all of a sudden. I stumble, nearly
dropping the flashlight in the process, but regain my bearings and haul ass in
the direction of the SUV as fast as my legs can carry me.
The ground begins to shake almost violently as we start
running, making it very hard to maintain my balance. I struggle to stay
upright, the severity of the situation failing to register as I worry more
about getting to solid earth. But I’m slowed down by the constant sway, and can
feel myself falling behind with each step I take. My heart jumps at the
prospect of being left alone to fend with whatever the hell is out here, but
Gabriel grabs my arm and tows me at a pace I can barely keep up with.
Gabriel legs it, but staggers as the shaking increases in
intensity. I bump into him continuously in my desperate attempt to keep up
since he’s forced to slow down to prevent a catastrophic fall that could quite
possibly be the end of the both of us, but it’s basically a race I’m destined
to lose. He can get away, but that will require him to let go of me.
I certainly hope he doesn’t.
- What inspires you?
it comes to what inspires me to write, I’d say that pretty much everything
motivates new ideas or concepts. My brain is always working overtime. If I
watch a movie, I might find a spark of inspiration in one of the characters or
a twist in the plot. It’s a never-ending cycle, which is why I always have a
notepad and pencil at the ready wherever I go.
it comes to life in general, I’m inspired by my life. The need to be a better
person not just for the sake of those around me, but for a more comfortable
future as well. Life is never easy, but it’s getting up after you’ve fallen
what really strengthens you and shapes your outlook. I like to challenge
myself, it motivates me to keep going no matter what fate throws my way.
- What are your three most treasured material possessions?
book I own, because I love to read. Memorabilia I have of when my children were
younger. And the countless pictures I have of my family over the years. Every
once in a while, I like to flip over those old memories and reminisce.
- What scares you the most and why?
my children. No parent wants to live through the nightmare of losing a child.
That’s my biggest fear. It’s become the source of nightmares for me.
- Do you believe in destiny?
I’d been asked that questions five years ago, I would have answered yes. Today,
I’m not so sure anymore. I don’t know if things happen because they have to or
if our future is influence by every bad/good decision we make. That’s a mystery
I might never have the opportunity to crack.
- If you could go back to any place and time in history, where would you go and why?
always complained that I was born in the wrong time. I’m old-fashioned,
probably the only one in my family. I prefer the simpler lifestyle.
- What is your idea of perfect happiness?
happiness to me would be to enjoy life without so many restrictions.
- What is your favorite childhood memory?
favorite childhood memories consist of many Christmas celebrations when our
home was filled with family members that traveled far to join us for dinner. I
recall playing with cousins I hadn’t seen all year, the delicious food, the
sound of laughter in the background. Good times.
- A weekend camping in the woods or in a luxury hotel with a spa?
weekend camping in the woods for sure.
- If your personality was a color, what would it be?
Not because I’m dark inside, but because I have a little of every color in me.
- What book(s) have most influenced you?
every book I’ve ever read have impacted my life one way or another. Especially
recently. I’ve come across some hidden gems in the kindle store that I’ve
really enjoyed and have inspired me to get to writing again.
- What is your favorite cartoon character?
from Teen Titan.
- Are you a morning or night person?
night owl. I’m not a chipper person in the morning. In fact, I don’t normally
say a word until after I’ve had a cup of coffee. I’m sluggish and sleepy too.
However, come nightfall I’m wide awake, have a ton of energy, and can never
fall asleep at a decent hour because my mind is racing.
- What is your favorite TV show?
a difficult question to answer. My tastes vary and change very often. But right
now, I’m enjoying Supernatural. Next week, something else might catch my fancy.
Truth is, my favorite show doesn’t always stay my favorite for very long.
- If you were to place yourself as a character in a novel, would the story be Mystery/Suspense, Fantasy, or Romance?
love romance, but if the opportunity for a great mystery/suspense popped up, I
wouldn’t want to pass it up. I love solving problems, so this would be right up
my alley.
- If you could change any one thing about yourself, what would it be and why?
I’m always doubting whether I did this right, or made the right decision, or if
my next manuscript makes any sense. It’s a annoyance I contend with every day.
- If you won a paid vacation anywhere in the world, where would you go?
three places I really want to visit. I’d have to choose between South Korea,
Japan, or China. That’s a tough choice to make.
- Do you prefer summer or winter?
I’m not very fond of the heat.
- Would you rather listen to rock or country music?
Don’t get me wrong, I’ve enjoyed a good country song here and there. But I
prefer rock.
- What are the 10 most played songs on your iPod/Mp3 player?
with TV shows, my taste in music changes all the time. I don’t have a top ten
songs only because I listen to whatever I’m in the mood for at that moment. I
can be in the middle of writing the next chapter in my current project and be
listening to rock. And in the next instant be cleaning and organizing the house
and have pop or Spanish music playing in the background.
- Are you an introvert or extravert?
all the way.
- Do you prefer the country or the city?
If I could pick up and move into a cabin in the middle of nowhere, I would. In
fact, I might just do that one day.
- Are you spontaneous or are you a planner?
on what I want to do. If it’s a long trip, I might plan every single detail
weeks ahead of time. If it’s a Saturday morning and I’m looking to do something
fun, I might just pick up and leave and see where I end up.
- Do you play video games?
Who doesn’t? I’m a huge Resident Evil and The Last of Us fan.
- What is your favorite rainy day activity?
Give me a good book and a cup of hot coffee and I’m golden.
- Do you prefer cats or dogs?
- What is your favorite food? Least favorite?
love pasta. However, I don’t have a least favorite. If it’s cooked well, with
just the right amount of flavor and spices, I’ll try whatever catches my eye.
- If you could have one superpower, what would it be and why?
one, huh? That’s a tough call. But I’ll settle for teleportation. I’d be
amazing to be able to think of a place and be there in an instant. No money,
luggage, or passport required. A gal can only dream.
- What personality traits do you most admire in others?
Respectful. Kindhearted. And loyal.
- Some people believe we can tell a lot about a person by the books on their shelves. Share 3 titles from your bookshelf and tell us what you think they say about you.
Ninja- I enjoy books with Asian influence.
Séance – Paranormal? Bring it on. The scarier the better.
for Zachariah – I’m a post-apocalyptic loving freak.
About the Author:
Kristy Centeno is the author of
the Secrets of the Moon saga and Keeper Witches series.
She has always had a passion for
books and after years of being an avid reader, she decided to transform her
desire to write into a reality and thus, her first novel was born. When she’s
not busy taking care of her five children or holding down the fort, she finds
time to sit and do what she loves the most: writing.
Thursday, December 14, 2017
Wednesday, December 13, 2017
Tuesday, December 12, 2017
Monday, December 11, 2017
Blood Bound series book tour and giveaway
Lies Inside
Bound Series #1
J.L. Meyers
Paranormal Romance
page-turning paranormal series for fans of Twilight and A Shade of
Amelia never asked to unleash her inner vampire…she never even knew it existed.
is sucked into a nightmare and killed at the hungry fangs of a
monster…but then she wakes up and everything has changed. Her whole
life has been a lie. What she thought she was—human—is nothing
but a disguise, one she never even knew she was wearing.
is a vampire and she always has been.
family and even best friend Kendrick have known the truth all along,
a lie they claim they kept to protect her. Sixteen going-on-forever,
Amelia’s violent hunger could quiet a classroom in seconds. It
could expose them and lead to her death. Killing for blood is
forbidden—but vampires aren’t the only ones enforcing the
race exists that is more than willing to keep the toll down by any
means they see fit.
her life spiraling, Amelia lives in fear of the day she finally loses
control. The day she finally kills in cold blood. But then she meets
Ty, a guy who is strangely familiar and hides a dark and dangerous
secret of his own, and everything changes. Amelia senses Ty’s
unnatural strength and, even more than that, for the first time she
feels safe from herself.
lies and secrets won’t stay buried forever as her telling dreams
turn into warnings. Amelia is unaware of the superior power she
possesses and the danger she is in. Not everyone is who they claim to
be. Not even Ty. Falling for him will be impossible not to do, but
staying alive after that?
Falling in love may just cost Amelia everything: her friends, her family…even her life.
- This book contains some language and sexual situations.
of age/ Vampire/ Paranormal Romance
By Design
Bound Series #2
Amelia Lamont’s return to normal vampire life is threatened with a horrific vision, while new dynamics about her link to The Sight drive her to keep her growing and intrusive power a secret. And then there’s Ty—her sexy werewolf boyfriend—but can he truly accept Amelia’s connection and deepening bond with Kendrick?
Although she’s escaped with her life for now, Amelia knows Caius is watching and waiting, preparing for the right moment to take back possession of his experiment—her. As she searches for the truth behind her creation, the fabric of the past is torn away, leaving her questioning whom she can truly trust…the deeper she digs, the darker her past becomes.
Amelia’s outlawed romance with her race’s mortal enemy will be put to the ultimate test when her increasingly debilitating dreams turn catastrophic. For in the end, the truth always finds a way to come out, and vampire law is as unforgiving as it is fatal.
Will Amelia’s forbidden love for Ty save them…or guarantee their death?
Warning - This book contains some language and sexual situations.
Coming of age/ Vampire/ Paranormal Romance.
Goodreads * Amazon
Web of Lies
Blood Bound Series #3
After Ty bled out in Amelia’s arms, the disappearance of his body sparked an unlikely union between mortal enemies to uncover what happened and if the lycan-hybrid is still alive—even though alive no longer has the same definition.
The Royal Vampire Council will take all necessary measures to protect Amelia, their vampire Oracle. The blooded daughter of a traitor, she is forced into seclusion from the human world to the Armaya—the vampires’ hidden Alaskan complex where even those in power have a hierarchy to answer to. The threat of the damned is escalating, and no royal is safe from the growing danger.
With her loyal best friend, Kendrick, at her side, Amelia will commit any act to uncover the story behind Ty’s disappearance. The only chance Amelia has to save her lost love is by learning to control her secret abilities—abilities gained through the engineered blood in Amelia's veins. But as her chances of finding Ty alive dwindle, her feelings for Kendrick begin to grow.
Goodreads * Amazon
Born To Die
Blood Bound Series #4
After Amelia’s twin Marcus snapped her best friend’s neck, a letter lets her hope his death may not be his ultimate end. Now hidden among his damned minions, Marcus claims to know the steps to take, but won’t reveal them without getting what he wants—Amelia damned and ruling by his side.
With the damned threat escalating, the vampires and werewolves will have to work together if they hope to survive—but old habits and hates die hard. With Marcus always one step ahead and Amelia now in full transition to become damned, she will have to control her own violent urges, watch her back, and keep the peace.
To pull off the impossible, Amelia needs Ty—and his blood—to tame her murderous side and hide what she’s becoming. But as they fight to save her best friend and stop her twin, it all starts to fall apart. Even Ty's hybrid blood can't keep Amelia’s dangerous impulses in check—and Amelia can't keep hiding her feelings for the guy she never stopped loving.
Goodreads * Amazon
Jessica L Myers' vivid imagination and quiet demeanor as a child led her to the imaginary worlds of books. Even at a young age, her love for the supernatural was prevalent, with her first loved books being R.L. Stine’s Goosebumps series. Following that she took an interest in other non-fantasy fiction, including Virginia C. Andrews series Flowers in the Attic.
In her teen years, Jessica spent many school hours writing poetry and dark short stories and took up sketching some of the terrifying things that came from the graphic night terrors she’d grown up with.
As an adult and after meeting the love of her life, Jessica got married and started a small construction business with her husband. With the birth of her son, Jessica suffered PPD and found escape in her books and their fantasy landscapes. It was at this time that her need to write flourished. In 2009 the decision was made and the first words to her New Adult Paranormal Romance novel What Lies Inside were written.
When Jessica isn’t immersed in writing about extraordinary characters with dangerous abilities and deadly obstacles to overcome, she likes to spend time with her two kids and husband, curl up with a good book, or watch anything and everything supernatural.
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BB Series
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Hunted and anything but normal...even for a vampire.
Amelia Lamont’s return to normal vampire life is threatened with a horrific vision, while new dynamics about her link to The Sight drive her to keep her growing and intrusive power a secret. And then there’s Ty—her sexy werewolf boyfriend—but can he truly accept Amelia’s connection and deepening bond with Kendrick?
Although she’s escaped with her life for now, Amelia knows Caius is watching and waiting, preparing for the right moment to take back possession of his experiment—her. As she searches for the truth behind her creation, the fabric of the past is torn away, leaving her questioning whom she can truly trust…the deeper she digs, the darker her past becomes.
Amelia’s outlawed romance with her race’s mortal enemy will be put to the ultimate test when her increasingly debilitating dreams turn catastrophic. For in the end, the truth always finds a way to come out, and vampire law is as unforgiving as it is fatal.
Will Amelia’s forbidden love for Ty save them…or guarantee their death?
Warning - This book contains some language and sexual situations.
Coming of age/ Vampire/ Paranormal Romance.
Goodreads * Amazon
Web of Lies
Blood Bound Series #3
The love of Amelia’s life is dead…but is Ty really gone forever?
After Ty bled out in Amelia’s arms, the disappearance of his body sparked an unlikely union between mortal enemies to uncover what happened and if the lycan-hybrid is still alive—even though alive no longer has the same definition.
The Royal Vampire Council will take all necessary measures to protect Amelia, their vampire Oracle. The blooded daughter of a traitor, she is forced into seclusion from the human world to the Armaya—the vampires’ hidden Alaskan complex where even those in power have a hierarchy to answer to. The threat of the damned is escalating, and no royal is safe from the growing danger.
With her loyal best friend, Kendrick, at her side, Amelia will commit any act to uncover the story behind Ty’s disappearance. The only chance Amelia has to save her lost love is by learning to control her secret abilities—abilities gained through the engineered blood in Amelia's veins. But as her chances of finding Ty alive dwindle, her feelings for Kendrick begin to grow.
Powers, obligation, budding love, and lost love. There are battles to be won, but is the life Amelia’s fighting for already six-feet under?
Goodreads * Amazon
Born To Die
Blood Bound Series #4
Amelia will do anything to save her best friend's life…even when he's already dead.
After Amelia’s twin Marcus snapped her best friend’s neck, a letter lets her hope his death may not be his ultimate end. Now hidden among his damned minions, Marcus claims to know the steps to take, but won’t reveal them without getting what he wants—Amelia damned and ruling by his side.
With the damned threat escalating, the vampires and werewolves will have to work together if they hope to survive—but old habits and hates die hard. With Marcus always one step ahead and Amelia now in full transition to become damned, she will have to control her own violent urges, watch her back, and keep the peace.
To pull off the impossible, Amelia needs Ty—and his blood—to tame her murderous side and hide what she’s becoming. But as they fight to save her best friend and stop her twin, it all starts to fall apart. Even Ty's hybrid blood can't keep Amelia’s dangerous impulses in check—and Amelia can't keep hiding her feelings for the guy she never stopped loving.
Vampires, werewolves, the dead, and the undead…who will win the final showdown?
Goodreads * Amazon
Jessica L Myers' vivid imagination and quiet demeanor as a child led her to the imaginary worlds of books. Even at a young age, her love for the supernatural was prevalent, with her first loved books being R.L. Stine’s Goosebumps series. Following that she took an interest in other non-fantasy fiction, including Virginia C. Andrews series Flowers in the Attic.
In her teen years, Jessica spent many school hours writing poetry and dark short stories and took up sketching some of the terrifying things that came from the graphic night terrors she’d grown up with.
As an adult and after meeting the love of her life, Jessica got married and started a small construction business with her husband. With the birth of her son, Jessica suffered PPD and found escape in her books and their fantasy landscapes. It was at this time that her need to write flourished. In 2009 the decision was made and the first words to her New Adult Paranormal Romance novel What Lies Inside were written.
When Jessica isn’t immersed in writing about extraordinary characters with dangerous abilities and deadly obstacles to overcome, she likes to spend time with her two kids and husband, curl up with a good book, or watch anything and everything supernatural.
the tour HERE
for exclusive excerpts, guest posts and a giveaway!
Sunday, December 10, 2017
Friday, December 8, 2017
Romance Between the Pages Podcast featuring C.M. Stunich
Ever wondered about the personalities behind your favorite books? Victoria Danann's new podcast with Riley J. Ford has an incredible lineup of authors booked through the spring. No question is out of bounds. Check it out!
C.M. Stunich!
C.M. Stunich is a self-admitted bibliophile with a love for exotic teas and a whole host of characters who live full time inside the strange, swirling vortex of her thoughts. Some folks might call this crazy, but Caitlin Morgan doesn't mind – especially considering she has to write biographies in the third person. Oh, and half the host of characters in her head are searing hot bad boys with dirty mouths and skillful hands (among other things). If being crazy means hanging out with them everyday, C.M. has decided to have herself committed.
She hates tapioca pudding, loves to binge on cheesy horror movies, and is a slave to many cats. When she's not vacuuming fur off of her couch, C.M. can be found with her nose buried in a book or her eyes glued to a computer screen. She's the author of over thirty novels – romance, new adult, fantasy, and young adult included. Please, come and join her inside her crazy. There's a heck of a lot to do there.
Oh, and Caitlin loves to chat (incessantly), so feel free to e-mail her, send her a Facebook message, or put up smoke signals. She's already looking forward to it.
Tuesday, December 5, 2017
Monday, December 4, 2017
Entangled Summer by Michele Barrow-Belisle
Michele Barrow-Belisle
NA Paranormal Romance
done everything to forget.
He'll do anything to help her
say our dreams mask secrets.
year old Nora Dultry’s dreams hide even more. They're a gateway to
the man of her dreams, and an escape from her painful past. She’s
fantasized about him for years, and when he mysteriously walks into
her summer teaching gig, she never dreamed she'd question whether he
was the one she truly wanted.
her former fling Troy Bellisaro doesn't just own Wanderlust
Academy...he’s her boss, he still has her heart strings tied in
knots—and he’s hiding secrets of his own.
of them will be her dream come true. One, her waking
the truth could make this dream, her last.
are the only creatures on earth, whose emotions are irrevocably
entangled with thier memories."
dreamer at heart, Michele Barrow-Belisle has always lived with one
foot in this reality and one foot in another, one of her own
imagining. So it follows that she would grow up to write about and
sculpt the characters from those enchanting worlds she knows and
loves so well. As a fan of everything romantic, her young adult
novels are populated with witches and vampires and faeries. Michele
resides in southern Canada with her hubby and son who indulge her
passions for writing, reading, lattes, and most of all
also loves shoes.
we mention the chocolate?
the tour HERE
for exclusive excerpts and a giveaway!
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