Tuesday, March 31, 2020

The Four: Destruction of Honor (The Mejuarian Chronicles Book 1) by Zola Blue

The Four: Destruction of Honor 
The Mejuarian Chronicles Book 1 
by Zola Blue 
Genre: Middle Grade Fantasy 

The Ercutians, an ancient race of spell casters that abandoned Earth long ago, have abandoned the ways of their elders. Their powerful magic they once used for good has been replaced with destructive spells and incantations, and their once thriving, wonderous lands have turned against them. The destruction of the Ercutian race is imminent. 

To heal their lands, and prolong their heritage, a sorcerer, sorceress, wizard, and wizardess combine their mystical powers to become the Great One, known to all as Thire-los. But not all is well within the Great One, for conflicting personalities brood within the single entity, and what was once Great threatens to become tainted, throwing all of Ercutia back into chaos once again. 

Born in Florida, I am a resident of the US, but now I reside on a lovely island in British Columbia Canada. During the early years of my life, I worked in the business industry, thus reaching my goal of obtaining my degree in Business Management. 

I love to read, and over my lifetime, I have probably read hundreds of books. Now that life has given a bit more time to concentrate on my personal life, I am following God and writing fun, fanciful fiction stories, which blend over into the fantasy realm. 

My first amazing middle-grade fantasy series is now out, "The Four." There are very little violence and no wars. This is my attempt to provide lovely fanciful readings to the young to stimulate their imaginations. 

God is the mentor of my life, and to Him, I give thanks for all things. 

$10 Amazon – 1 winner, ebook of The Four – 3 winners 

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Deer Among Wolves (A World in Ruin Book 1) by Rebecca Fernfield

Deer Among Wolves 
A World in Ruin Book 1 
by Rebecca Fernfield 
Genre: Post-Apocalyptic Survival 

An extinction-level plague was only the beginning

Sixteen years have passed since an unstoppable plague ripped through the world killing billions.

A few desperate, mis-matched groups of men, women, and children found their way to a small town and learned how to survive, then thrive.

Now death is stalking them once more!

Newly appointed First Officer, Jude Sinclair, is under pressure when death follows a group of struggling survivors into town.

As the townsfolk sicken then die after a short, painful illness, Jude is desperate to learn how to stop the disease and save the town from extinction.

Deacon Carlisle lost everyone he loved to the plague and then ruthless survivors, now all he wants is to protect his new family and escape the infected town, but the unthinkable happens when his son disappears.

With the sickness claiming lives, and the boy missing, Jude and Deacon must rely on their own ingenuity to discover the truth, and save everyone they love.

Does Jude have what it takes to protect the town from its invisible enemy?

Can Deacon rise to the challenge of saving his son?

What is the truth behind the deaths and the boy's disappearance?

'Deer Among Wolves' is book 1 in 'A World in Ruin', a series of action-packed and intriguing tales of life after the apocalypse. 

British author, Rebecca Fernfield, is a lapsed medievalist who spends her days plotting the overthrow of evil regimes and devising intricate plans to rescue their victims. She's also given to flights of fancy about the end of the world and what she'd do if supermarkets suddenly ran out of chocolate, wine and other essentials. She lives among the flatlands of the Humber estuary where Vikings and Saxons once fought and where, sometimes, on foggy mornings, you can still hear the echoes of clashing swords. 

$25 Amazon 

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Monday, March 30, 2020

When Art Rises: Living in Cin by Lorrain Allen

When Art Rises: Living in Cin
by Lorrain Allen
Genre: Dark Romance 

WARNING: This book is heartbreaking, dark, dirty, demented, and is only for true dark romance lovers. Arthur is not the hero…he’s the anti-hero. While the setting of this story is in a high school environment, its recommended reading age is eighteen+ due to mature content, explicit sexual scenes, and graphic language. You may need to take a shower afterwards. Please take my warning seriously before reading this book. IT’S NOT FOR SENSITIVE READERS. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!

Arthur “Art

The moment I die, I’m going straight to hell, and that’s exactly where I belong. When I was fifteen, the course of my life changed—one second was all it took. The truth about what happened that summer night is driving me to the brink of insanity. I’m an ex-drug addict and suicide survivor who’s been deemed a lost cause. No one can control me. I don’t give a damn about anything—until I meet her. She’s a “Cin” worth committing.

Cinnamon “Cin

I have a life most would envy—a track star with a full scholarship lined up after I graduate high school. My boyfriend and I are looking forward to our future together. I’m content—until I meet him. He’s dangerous, damaged, and I know it’s best to keep my distance, but damn I’m drawn to him. Art is a beautiful disaster, tearing my carefully laid plans apart, causing havoc. Little did I know my choice would set in motion the destruction of my perfect world. The consequences will be catastrophic once the dust settles.

Lorrain has enjoyed writing ever since she was a child and was also part of the poetry club in middle school. She loves to get away from the world and lose herself in a book. As a young adult, she became a romance book junky and was inspired to pen her first romance by the many creative authors whose books she's read. She wants to provide her fans with a suspenseful read that has a twist at the end. The subject matters of her books are a little controversial, but life is boring without a little controversy.

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$15 Amazon – 1 winner , ebook of When Art Rises – 2 winners!

Big Cranky: Fall Into Darkness by James Pyne

Big Cranky: Fall Into Darkness
by James Pyne
Genre: Dark Mythological Fantasy, Action 

Forget everything you think you know about myths and legends, James Pyne’s Big Cranky connects them all in an epic web of deceitful betrayal, love, and loyalty. A capricious tale of gods, showing human quirks are not only wasted on the mortals. A tale of many deities treading lightly around a superior as the world begins.

James Pyne hails from Nova Scotia, Canada, and has been a scribe for the Universe much of his life. He's a firm believer in being able to write in every genre, to make his world building and characters hopefuly come out genuine. No matter what he writes it will have some form of darkness, nothing is pure light in any worlds James creates and rumor has it, his surviving characters are plotting his demise. When it comes to his past time, much of it is spent learning the craft, but he does enjoy gardening and playfully tormenting those he loves. When he's not writing, or working his day job, he's traveling. The Andalusia region of Spain the last place that tolerated him. 

Favorite authors: John Gardner (Grendel, Sunlight Dialogues). Fyodor Dostoevsky (The Brothers Karamazov). Clive Barker (Imajica, Weaveworld, Books of Blood). Terry Pratchett (Good Omens, Bad Omens). J.R.R. Tolkien (Lord of the Rings). And all the scribes who carried on the tradition of myths throughout the ages.

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Ember Hawk (The Katrosi Revolution Book 1) by Jamie Foley

Ember Hawk 
The Katrosi Revolution Book 1 
by Jamie Foley 
Genre: YA Fantasy 

The elementals have decided they're gods, and humans are nothing but fuel for their fire.

A starving trapper.

Merciless drought withers Kira's ranch, leaving her family hungry—and desperate enough to cross the border into the forbidden forest to trap wild game.

But the forest is infested with tree-scorpions and giant cats that wield elemental invisibility, and they're hungry, too. When Kira mistakes one elemental creature for another, she ends up with the last thing she wants in her trap: an enemy soldier.

An invisible spy.

Ryon can't afford to be a prisoner of war. If the Malaano Empire extracts his secrets, the rumors of war will be confirmed—and the tribes stand little chance against the Empire unless they can put aside generations of bad blood for the sake of a Tribal Alliance.

When Ryon's escape leaves Kira injured and her livelihood in flames, Ryon must choose between aiding her… or returning to his chieftess with vital information. But can he survive the trek when an elemental pursues him for his rejected heritage?

A sacrificial princess.

Imperial Princess Vylia is given a powerful ancient stone as her wavesinger trials approach. But is the stone's whispering voice from the water goddess, or a masquerading elemental the creator god imprisoned millennia ago?

When Vylia's diplomatic mission to the tribal lands erupts in fiery revenge, she, Kira, and Ryon must work together to survive—or become pawns in the battle of the gods. 

Jamie Foley loves strategy games, home-grown berries, and Texas winters. She kills vipers with her great-grandfather’s rifle but she’s terrified of red wasps. As a graphic design ninja and marketing guru, Jamie loves helping other authors when she’s not writing. She’s the typesetter for Enclave Publishing and the creator of Fayette Press. Her books have been featured in Amazon Prime Reading, finaled for reader’s choice awards, and selected as #1 New Releases on Amazon.com. Her husband is her cowboy astronaut muse. They live between Austin and the cattle ranch, where their hyperactive spawnling and wolfpack roam. 

A swag pack including bookmarks, a pin, stickers & character art cards. 

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In Pursuit of the Pale Prince (An Arestus Adventure) by Mark Wallace Maguire

In Pursuit of the Pale Prince 
An Arestus Adventure 
by Mark Wallace Maguire 
Genre: YA Fantasy 

Over 5,000 years ago, in the place you call Northern Europe, a battle was looming. The Southwen were marching north in search of land. The Northern Kingdoms were fragile and scattered and The Pale Prince was trying to unite them, seeking any symbol of hope, of past glory to rally his people. Hundreds of miles away, a man dies and leaves a crown to his son. A crown that can unite the Northern Kingdoms. But can the boy deliver it in time? Join him and find out. A new adventure awaits inside. 

Mark Wallace Maguire is a Kindle best-selling author of several books, including the highly-praised Alexandria Rising Chronicles. He is a 2017 Independent Author of the Year Finalist and a 2017 Georgia Author of The Year nominee. He is also an award-winning journalist whose work has appeared in dozens of magazines and newspapers at home and abroad. He's been honored by several organizations, including The Associated Press, Georgia Sportswriter's Association, Georgia Poetry Society, Georgia Sportswriter's Association and Society of Professional Journalists. 

In 2005, he was named Berry College Outstanding Young Alumni of The Year. 

$25 amazon gift card 

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Sunday, March 29, 2020

The Secrets of Hawthorne House by Donald Firesmith

The Secrets of Hawthorne House 
by Donald Firesmith 
Genre: YA/MG Urban Fantasy 

Matt's life changes forever when a family of druids moves into the dilapidated Victorian mansion next door. The story of an unlikely friendship, the clash of two completely different cultures, secret magic, and a search for the lost Hawthorne treasure. 

Fifteen-year-old Matt Mitchell was having the worst summer imaginable. Matt’s misery started when a drunk driver killed his mother. Then his father moved him and his twin sister to the small town of Hawthorne in rural Indiana, as far as his grieving father could take from the ocean that Matt's mother had loved. At the new high school, three bullies are determined to make Matt miserable. And to top it off, Matt learns that the recluse who lives in the 'haunted house" next door is none other than Old Lady Hawthorne, the town’s infamous witch and murderer. Matt’s terrible summer is turning into an awful autumn when something quite unexpected happens. Old Lady Hawthorne’s niece and her three children arrive, and Matt meets Gerallt. 

Book Trailer 

A geek by day, Donald Firesmith works as a system and software engineer helping the US Government acquire large, complex software-intensive systems. In this guise, he has authored seven technical books, written numerous software- and system-related articles and papers, and spoken at more conferences than he can possibly remember. He's also proud to have been named a Distinguished Engineer by the Association of Computing Machinery, although his pride is tempered somewhat by his fear that the term "distinguished" makes him sound like a graybeard academic rather than an active engineer whose beard is still slightly more red than gray.

By night and on weekends, his alter ego writes modern paranormal fantasy, apocalyptic science fiction, action and adventure novels and relaxes by handcrafting magic wands from various magical woods and mystical gemstones. His first foray into fiction is the book Magical Wands: A Cornucopia of Wand Lore written under the pen name Wolfrick Ignatius Feuerschmied. He lives in Crafton, Pennsylvania with his wife Becky, and his son Dane, and varying numbers of dogs, cats, and birds. 

Autographed Book of Hell Holes 1: What Lurks Below (US only) 

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